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Kiester, Elizabeth. 2017. “Fatherhood.” Pp. XX-XX in The Encyclopedia of Social Theory, edited by Bryan S. Turner. XXX: Wiley-Blackwell (Forthcoming).

Jacobs, Paul, Elizabeth Kiester, Christy Glass and Peg Petrzelka. 2015. “Bringing Them ‘Out of the Shadows’: Analyzing the Movement to Reframe the Immigration Policy Narrative in Utah” Journal of Sociology and Social Work 3(1):52-65.

Kiester, Elizabeth. 2013. “Transnational Mothering.” Pp. 611-12 in Sociology of Work: An Encyclopedia, edited by Vikki Smith. Thousand Oaks CA: Sage Publications.

Glass, Christy, Nancy Kubasek, and Elizabeth Kiester.  2011.  “Toward a ‘European Model’ of Same-Sex Marriage Rights: A Viable Pathway for the U.S.?”  Berkeley Journal of International Law (BJIL) 29(1):132-174.