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Student Honors Papers - 2015: Home

Connecting the Past with the Present



Therese Adgie Growth Rates and Nutritional Composition of Basil Grown in Conventional, Organic, and Aquaponic Systems (2015)
Sara Baum Tracing Ties Among Christ Church Members in Revolutionary Philadelphia: Towards a Prosopography of Pews (2015)
Susan Benitez Language of the Loom: Unraveling Navajo Weaving (2015)
Sarah Ann Crothers An Assessment of Growth in Pro-environmental Worldviews from Freshman to Senior Year in an Undergraduate Liberal Arts College Setting (2015)
Joshua Ehlinger Watching vs. Doing:The Experience of Self-agency Mediates Visual Tracking (2015)
Devin Fisher Understanding the Mechanism of CD4 T-Cell Inhibition by Ectromelia Virus (2015)
Meg Froehlich Distortion and Distraction during Cognitive Control (2015)
John Fundyga Biomolecular Implications on Human Volition (2015)
Kayla Grunn The Speed of the Fashion Life Cycle (2015)
Erin Hand The Effects of Poxvirus Protein E3L on Mutant Influenza Virus Lacking the NS1 Protein (2015)
Blanche Helbling Eat me! Drink me!: “Natural” Rhetoric in Modern America’s Prepackaged Food Industry (2015)
Ellie Herman Accuracy in Facebook Self-Presentation: The Role of the “True Self” (2015)
Courtney Konchan Studies of Delta N20 Beta 2-Microglobulin at Neutral pH: Thermal Denaturation and Characterization of Fibril Formation (2015)
Kaitlin Leffler White-Nose Syndrome in 2015: A review of current knowledge and potential management strategies of the lethal disease of North American bats (2015) 
Austin Marich Investigating the Public-Private Wage Differential: Post-Great Recession United States and Greece (2015)
Milca Mendez-Ceballos Tooth Morphology and Comparisons in Traditional and Innovative Methods in Dentistry using CAD/CAM Technology (2015)
Riley Metz The effects of different disturbance regimes in a state park on plant community and invasion dynamics (2015)
Ronya Nassar Health Messages Presented in PBS Kids Shows (2015)
Heather Palmer Graphic Depictions of Joan of Arc in Popular Culture: A Historical Approach to National Identity Through Religious Figures (2015)
Sophia Rivera A holistic view of English Language Learners and linguistically diverse classrooms in Berks County (2015)
Victoria Ruprecht The Perceptions of the Flipped Classroom Model (2015)
Francesca Simpson The Effects of Substituents on Concerted Proton-Electron Transfer in Base-Appended Radical Cations (2015)
Emma Spade Paying at the Gate:Taxation and Medieval City Spaces (2015)
Chloe Stratton Perceptions of Female Flirtatiousness as Influenced by Clothing and Perceiver Gender (2015)
Hanna Szigeti Willa Cather and John Steinbeck: Authors of Unconventional American Characters (2015)
John Vasko The Effect of Mindfulness on Metacognition and Exams (2015)
Melissa Vettleson Probing the Effects of Structural Variation on Concerted Proton-Electron Transfer (2015)
Ashleigh Weidner The Effect of Therapy Dogs on Attachment and Theory of Mind in Children (2015)