British Mayor Visits Albright College As Part of Bicentennial Program The British landed full force on campus last Saturday afternoon when Mayor and Mayoress H. V. Kersley and party visited Albright as part of a tour conducted in connection with the local Bicentennial Celebration. President Harry V. Masters and administrative officials greeted them. At a first glance, Mayoress Kersley appeared to be a sweet little woman, quick in action, and quite eager to learn all she possibly could. The Mayor was a sedate but very friendly gentleman, wearing his regal chain around his neck. Also impressive especially to your reporter, was Ex-Mayor G. Frederick Sainsbury, who clutched a copy of the "Reading Eagle" under his arm during the entire tour. As the group toured the campus during their half-hour stay, President Masters pointed out the various buildings and explained a typical American college program. Several of the Britishers were of the opinion that even a college education if free in the U. S. After our fees were discussed, the visitors decided that a comparable British study program would cost one-half as much. The Americans are mislead in their belief that living conditions are almost twice as expensive in England as in the U. S. Our taxes make our cost of living very high, explained the visitors. When asked about the schools in Reading, England that would compare with Albright, Mayor Kersley explained that there is a Reading University which specializes in research for the English government. It is a co-ed institution with an enrollment of about 600 students. Apparently willing to tell all about her official duties the Mayoress said it was her job to make awards and present prizes at garden fetes, athletic contests, and baby shows. "Babies" she said, "were very thankful for American orange juice." To the visitors, one of the most impressive spots on campus was Sylvan Chapel. They thought it was very nice that the students got their own leaders for the services. Upon leaving, the Mayoress said that this was her first visit to the U. S. Said she, "Everybody has been wonderful to us." Source: The Albrightian, August 27, 1948