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Welcome to Albright College's Past







AS EARLY AS THE 195Os, Albright's Female Students Were Ready To Be Liberated From the Rules of Society. Male Students Had More Freedom. It was a time when it was felt by both college administration, faculty and  parents that undergraduates were not mature enough to make wise decisions about their behavior. Most notably, females needed to be protected. The young men and women were to exhibit proper behavior in social settings, such as, the dining room. This included their attire.

An editorial appeared in The Albrightian (May 13, 1955) with a reaction by some of the young women. "An incident last week especially set off the girls' desire to wear pants. A group of men on campus appeared on campus in men's apparel that the girls couldn't wear -- to whit, Bermuda shorts. "If the fellas could do it, the girls ought to be able to do it to, they reasoned. And so the final impetus was given to a drive that originated years ago."  -- "Albright women are now allowed to wear Bermuda shorts anytime, anyplace on campus, except at dinner."

A decade later an article was printed in The Albrightian (October 28, 1965) about a Dress and Grooming Committee being established. The Dean of Students, Louis Weislogel, stated, "There is an inequality in the rules. The men have almost complete freedom while the women have the greatest number of restrictions." The purpose of the committee was to review the rules. The group would consist of Dean Weislogel as chairman, four members of the faculty, six students, one trustee, and one parent.

In the next issue of The Albrightian (November 4, 1965) reported the results of a poll taken by 248 female students. 47% were against any kind of dress regulation, 45% favored changes, and 8% favored regulations remain the same.

"Coeds are given the freedom to choose their attire in the expectation that they will use good judgement and dress appropriately for the place and occasion," noted The Albrightian (September 23, 1966). More freedom was given to the female students: Slacks could be worn all year long instead of only between November 1 and March 31; No longer were coeds required to wear skirts or dresses when sitting in a lounge; No longer were there clothing restrictions on Sundays. However, in the dining hall for evening meals a skirt or dress must be worn. Heels, a dress or skirt were required for Sunday served meals, or special banquets.