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Gingrich Library: Your Success Is Why We're Here!


Library Policies

Library policies and procedures

Meeting Space

Meeting Space/Room Reservation Policy

Policy Statement-

The Library endeavors to supply meeting room space on an ad hoc basis for college activities, such as meetings of student organizations, student, faculty or staff committees, college classes or student study groups. Most of the spaces require advance registration but are available during selected hours on a walk-in basis during unscheduled times.

Room Requesting Guidelines

  1. Rooms are scheduled only for Albright students, faculty and staff primarily for instructional and studying purposes and secondarily for committees and group meetings. Requests for rooms for events that involve non-Albright community members must be pre-approved by the Library Director.
  2. No food is allowed in the rooms except the Library Lobby, unless prior approval is requested.
  3. All rooms requested via the online reserve request form are not final until the requester receives an official email confirmation of the request.
  4. If you need to use additional AV equipment in these rooms, contact the IT help desk at 610-921-7676.
  5. All exceptions to the above regulations must be approved by the Library Director.
  6. To request a room elsewhere on campus for a class, contact the Registrar's Office at 610-921-7250. To request a room in another building on campus for non-classroom use, contact the Conference Office at 610-921-7612.

Rooms Available


Effective Date: March 1, 2005
Last Revised: January 9, 2014