Albright College Faculty and Staff
All currently employed faculty, administration and staff (herein collectively referred to as "staff") can borrow materials and use electronic resources. Household members of staff families who would like access to library materials must contact the Circulation Desk or 610-921-7517 for privileges. Members under the age of 18 need written permission of the parent currently employed at Albright College.
Albright Staff Borrowers' Policy
What must I do to use the library print and electronic resources?
In order to use the library, staff and their family members must have a current college ID, which is issued from the Office of Public Safety. The back side of the ID must have a barcode and library ID number at the top of the card. Anyone with a hard-to-read barcode or an ID issued after June 2005 should come to the Albright Library Circulation Desk to get a barcode attached to their card.
How long can I use the resources at the Albright Library?
Library hours
Information is available at (610) 921-7219 or online.
What materials circulate? What are the loan periods? To what other services does my circulation ID entitle me?
Albright full time faculty members may borrow up to seventy-five circulating books or audiovisual media. Part time faculty members, administrators and staff may borrow up to fifty circulating books or audiovisual media. Family members may borrow up to six circulating books or audiovisual media.
Books from the general collection are loaned for 112 days for staff and 28 days for family members; and popular reading books and classroom media items are loaned for 14 days and popular DVDs are loaned for 7 days. Materials currently on reserve have a 2 hour to 3 day loan period and must be used in the library. Items can be renewed in person or when logged into cataLION.
A complete list of items, borrowing periods, renewal options and charges is available online.
Non-circulating materials include reference books, reserve items, periodicals, microforms, special collections and faculty classroom media.
Staff may use all electronic resources listed on the Gateway to Library Resources page on college campus. With their ID card, they can also access the electronic resources remotely, use interlibrary loan, borrow selected audiovisual equipment and reserve group study space. These services are not available for the staff family members.
What happens if I am late returning materials?
The library does not charge staff overdue fines although family members are charged. The overdue fine for circulating books is $.10 per day for books. Overdue and fine notices are issued as a courtesy to our borrowers. It is the borrower's responsibility to check the due date stamped on each item. A fine may be incurred before the notice is received.
What is a recall?
A recall is a request made by an Albright staff member to retrieve material charged to another borrower. Materials charged to alumni borrowers that are recalled are due immediately. Notices specifying the new due date will be issued when items are recalled. Penalties (fines) of $5 per day will accrue for late returns.
What is a hold?
If a staff member would like to be notified when a checked out book is returned, he/she can ask that the circulation department place a "hold" on the book to ensure that when the book is returned they are notified. "Holds" will not be placed on items in the leisure reading section.
What other costs may be incurred?
Borrowers are charged replacement costs and processing fees for lost or damaged items. These fees will be assessed per item. There is a minimum fee of $65 per lost book.