In order to find the best resources, follow these basic steps to develop a concise research strategy.
A multidisciplinary database of more than 8,500 fulltext periodicals with pdf content going back as far as 1887. Includes indexing and abstracting for more than 12,500 periodicals.
Very informative cross-cultural database that contains over 350,000 pages of information on all aspects of cultural and social life. Coverage dates vary.
An authoritative bibliography of Latin American Studies research in all discipline. Coverage 1935-present
JSTOR is a shared digital library that includes the fulltext of more than 2,000 academic journals, dating back to the first volume published. Coverage varies depending on the journal title.
Full text of 300+ U.S. and international news sources. Includes coverage of 150+ major U.S. and international newspapers such as The New York Times and the Times of London, plus hundreds of other news sources and news wires. Coverge varies by source.