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Totalitarian Art: Journal Articles


Journal articles are useful but you may need to refine your search strategies to produce the best results.

Many databases use Boolean logic to improve search results.

Youtube has a very brief introduction to Boolean concepts.


Journal Articles

Identify the most appropriate database for your topic/subject:

  • consult the database descriptions on the Library's Database by Subject page
  • check to see if there is a LibGuide that covers your subject area or topic.

Depending on the database you are using, articles may be displayed in different formats:

  • Index: Includes only the article’s citation information (e.g. author, title, date, volume, etc.). Neither a summary, nor the full-text of the article are available.
  • Abstract: Includes the article’s citation information and a brief summary of the article's content. Abstracts do not include the full-text article.
  • Full-text: Includes an electronic copy of the actual article. Depending on the database, the article may be available in HTML format, .pdf format (displays the article as it originally appeared in the magazine with graphics and pictures), or both.
Many databases include links to "Find Full Text" or "ILLiad Request".  You can use these to see if the full text of the article is available in another database or to submit a request to borrow the article.
Types of publications:
  • Scholarly or Peer-Reviewed journals contain information that is checked by experts in the discipline to ensure accuracy.  They include bibliographies and notes so readers can verify the sources of information.
  • Magazines are written for the public and usually present the view of the publication or author.
You can use the Journals tab in LionOneSearch to find journals, magazines, or newspapers that are available through the library.
Many databases use Boolean searching.  Youtube has a very brief introduction to Boolean concepts.