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FAS112. Fashion Fundamentals. Spring 2018. (Burdalski): Finding Books

Books at Albright

Use the cataLION tocate books and other materials in the Albright Library collection.  The cataLION includes e-books, DVDs, and other formats in addition to print books.

The cataLION also points to resources in these two ebook collections:


          Search phrases like scientific method or scientific research.

          Search a personal name as subject to find books about that person.

To access electronic books, click on the link. If you are off-campus, you will be required to log in using your LionLink username and password.

If you need help locating a book, ask a librarian.

       Library Reference Desk - (610) 921-7211 - - or use the chat window on the Library main page.

Books from other places

Other resources for locating books:

WorldCat is the most comprehensive catalog of U.S. and world libraries and is more appropriate for upper level classes.  WorldCat includes direct links to Interlibrary Loan to make requesting a book easier.  It isn't always possible to get a book in WorldCat--for example, we can't borrow outside the U.S.

A public version of WorldCat is also on the web.

Google Books provides different levels of access to the contents of its books.  You may find enough material to use in your paper, or locate a book that seems perfect for your topic.

Project Gutenberg  is a large collection of free ebooks.  Some titles are fairly recent.

If you need a book for your research, no matter where you discovered it, you can use Interlibrary Loan (ILLIAD) to request a copy.  Books come from other libraries so plan ahead to be sure you get what you need in time.