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POL440 -- Seminar in U.S. Foreign Policy: Drone War and Cybersecurity: Articles

Quick Tips

In order to find the best resources, follow these basic steps to develop a concise research strategy.

  1. Create research question -- Has the ethics of whistleblowing changed since the Enron scandal (2001)

  2. Select the concepts -- ethics, whistleblowing, Enron

  3. Pick the keywords for the concepts -- ethics, ethical, moral, morals, whistleblowers, whistleblowing, Enron

  4. Use Boolean operators to combine them (after adjusting for truncation)
    line 1 - ethic* or moral or morals (don't want the keyword morale)
    line 2 - whistleblow*
    line 3 - Enron (or consider searching for items written after 2001)

Gneral Databases

Special Subject Databases

  • JSTOR is a pdf archive of journal articles in various subject areas. Because it is an "archive," there are no current articles.
  • LexisNexis is a fulltext database of news stories and legal materials. INcludes country information.
  • Readers' Guide Retrospective index the most popular general-interest periodicals published in the United States and Canada. Coverage includes environmental topics. The retrospective database covers the years 1890-1982 while the former title is for more recent material.
  • Sage Online  A multidisciplinary database that has good coverage in the social sciences. Many items are available in fulltext.
  • SocINDEX with Full Text contains full text for nearly 400 core sociology research journals dating back to 1908, and 150 priority coverage journals. This database also includes full text for more than 720 books and monographs, and full text for 6,743 conference papers.

Subject Guide

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Denise Shorey
Room 113, Center for Computing and Mathematics