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Resistance and Desire: Major American Women Poets from Dickinson to the Present (Fall 2014): Articles/Databases

Finding Articles

Here are some simple tips for finding different types of documents in the library's electronic databases.

For criticism:
angelou AND criticism
"touched by an angel" AND Criticism

For reviews:
angelou AND reviews
"touched by an angel" AND reviews

For interviews:
angelou AND interviews

In addtion to the tips above, some databases let you set limits for the type of document you need. Look for Document Type options on the database search screen.


Multidisciplinary Databases

  Academic Search Premier
  Popular magazines 
  Peer-reviewed/Scholarly magazines

Off-campus users must enter their LionLink username and password to access the library’s databases. Call 610-921-7211 or email for assistance.


Special Subject Databases

  • MLA International Bibliography - the premier index for English criticism.  Includes foreign language and hard to find resources.  all items are citation but links to full text in other sources are available.
  • JSTOR s a pdf archive of journal articles in various subject areas. Because it is an "archive," there are no current articles.
  • Project Muse - is a collection of more current pulications in full text, with a good concentration on the humanities and English criticism.