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FYS 100 Women, Gender, and Popular Media: Scholarly or Not

The CRAAP Test

Evaluate Sources Based on the Following Criteria:
Currency, Relevance, Authority, Accuracy, and Purpose/Point of View

  • Currency
    • How recent is the information?
    • How recently has the website been updated?
    • Is it current enough for your topic?
  • Reliability
    • Why are you reading this article?
    • Does it deliver what it promises?
    • Are the language and coverage appropriate?
  • Authority
    • Who is the creator or author?
    • Does the author have credentials in the field?
    • Who is the publisher or sponsor?
    • Are they reputable?
    • What is the publisher's interest (if any) in this information?
    • Are there advertisements on the website?
  • Accuracy
    • Has the author cited his / her sources?
    • Are most of the sources scholarly and academic?
    • Can you verify any of the information in another source?
    • Does the language seem unbiased?
  • Purpose/Point of View
    • Is this fact or opinion?
    • What is the purpose of this information?
    • Is advertising mixed in with the content?
    • Is the creator/author trying to sell you something?

Academic Journals v. Popular Magazines

If you find yourself confused as to what kind of article your professor wants you to gather for that paper, use this handy chart to determine if you are looking at an academic or popular article.