Find Articles
To locate a general journal and magazine articles use a multidisciplinary (all subject) database such as Academic Search Complete, Proquest, or LION One Search, or you can choose a subject specific database from our A-Z list.
Find Books and Check Them Out
Use the library catalog to search for books and other items in Gingrich library. Your student ID is also your borrower's card. Just take the items you want and your ID card to the Front Desk. If you don't find what you want here, use Worldcat to search in other libraries. Looking for just ebooks? Try EBSCO or Ebook Central.
Get Items We Don't Own at Albright
Just because we don't own the book or journal you need, it doesn't mean we can't get it for you. Use our interlibrary loan service to order items you need regardless of their location.
Renew Materials
Your library materials are due but you can't come to the library. Email us and we'll renew it for you.
Write a Paper
No, we won't write your paper! But we WILL help you find the best resources quickly and efficiently. Email us or use the chat box on the screen. You may also want to make an appointment with a Writing Center peer tutor!