Georges Seurat, Seated Nude- Study for 'Une Baignade', drawing, 1883, conte crayon on cream paper
To find books and AV materials at Albright, use cataLION.
You can search by author, title, or subject. Two types of searching are keyword and browsing. Try several types of search. The results will be different.
You can search for an artist (Picasso, Klee, etc.), a type of art (Prehistoric Art, Modern Art, etc.), or a medium (Drawing, Sculpture, etc.).
If you cannot locate what you need in cataLION, try to find materials in other libraries, which you can be obtained through interlibrary loan.
WorldCat is the most comprehensive catalog of U.S. and world libraries and is more appropriate for upper level classes. WorldCat includes direct links to Interlibrary Loan to make requesting a book easier. It isn't always possible to get a book in WorldCat--for example, we can't borrow outside the U.S.