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Educating The Prince Fall 2017: Finding Articles

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If you don't know which database to select, try one of the databases or subject guides listed below:

Brainstorming Keywords


What resources can I use?

Journal articles are an excellent source of literature criticism, film criticism and reviews. More focused than books, the number of articles printed each year in scholarly journals, newspapers and magazines is astronomical. Journal articles are useful if your topic is focused. In addition, they are useful if your topic is current since scholarly book publication can be a slow process. Listed below are some high quality databases available to you here at Albright:

A multidisciplinary database of more than 8,500 fulltext periodicals with pdf content going back as far as 1887. Includes indexing and abstracting for more than 12,500 periodicals.

MLA Bibliography is a scholarly database that covers language and literature.

 An online digital library of education research and information, sponsored in part by the U.S. Department of Education.

JSTOR - A Different Kind of Animal

JSTOR is a totally fulltext database of articles in scholarly journals. It is an archive, meaning that it does not contain the most recent published articles. While JSTOR looks very much like the other databases, see below for some clues about how to search.


Video: How to Search JSTOR