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ENG 102 - Spring 2018: Special Topics

Article Databases: Best Bets

World's most comprehensive and highest quality sociology research database. Coverage includes criminology & criminal justice,  ethnic & racial studies, gender studies, marriage & family, political sociology, rural & urban sociology,  social psychology, social structure, sociological history, sociological research, sociological theory,  violence and many others.


Fulltext access from 1999 to a subset of the over 450 journals in 40 disciplines. Coverage 1999-present depending on source. Select "SAGE Journals Available to Me" for fulltext articles available at Albright or search "All SAGE Content" for additional items that can be ordered through ILLIAD.

Background and Overview of Topics

The library subscribes to some online resources that can help introduce you to issues facing minorities in the US. Try searching the terms "RACE and" one or more of the following:  education, social, social justice,  cultural, economic, and historical. Keep track of important "keywords" as potential search terms.

  • Bureau of Justice Statistics - This site is maintained by the U.S. Department of Justice. Its mission is to collect, analyze, publish, and disseminate information on crime, criminal offenders, victims of crime, and the operation of justice systems at all levels of government.
  • CQ Researcher   - Includes weekly reports that focus on a specific topic that is perceived as being either newsworthy or an issue of broad interest in the public policy sphere. Coverage 1991-present
  • CQ Weekly - Reports on Congress and excellent for researching legislative issues.
  • Pew Research Center for People & the Press  - The Pew Research Center for the People & the Press is an independent, non-partisan public opinion research organization that studies attitudes toward politics, the press and public policy issues.
  • Pew Research Center: Social Trends
  • American FactFinder - Provides access to data about the United States from several censuses and surveys
  • Home of the  U.S. Governments Open Data