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BUS 365 -- Small Business Management: Trade Associations & Publications

Trade Associations

Some trade associations provide members only access to information. Other websites contain free information on the industry. To find trade associations on a particular industry, do a Google search for the industry in the search box and include the word associations. The library's Mergent First Research database is also a way to identify and locate trade associations. When you do an industry search, click on the Websites and Acronyms link on the left navigation bar.

Trade Publications

A trade publication is one that is written for people who work in a particular industry. Coverage in trade publications includes market trends, statistics, and interviews. For example, executives in the beverage industry might read Beverage Digest. Adding the words association publications to a  Google search for a specific industry can help you identify trade publications,

The Business Source Complete database allows you to limit your search to trade publications.Look for the check box on the left of the screen.