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Symbols Reflect Spirit

College spirit is often reflected in the attitude of the student body toward traditional symbols of the institution. Behind these symbols are found deeply-rooted meanings that serve to enhance the aims and objectives of the college.

The underlying concept behind Albright is that this college seeks "to make possible the highest intellectual development in an atmosphere of Christian ideals." The meanings behind Albright's symbols support this concept.

The College Seal

The seal is the official symbol of Albright College as a legally incorporated institution. It bears the official name and the date, 1856, when Union Seminary, the forerunner of Albright, was founded.

The motto, veritas et justitia (truth and justice), expresses the ideals for which the college stands.

The lamp is the symbol of light, especially of the word of God as a light to guide the student through the various fields of study as represented by the books above the lamp. With such guidance truth and justice can be achieved and life's victory attained as indicated by the wreath of laurel, the symbol of distinction, honor, and achievement.

The Colors

Red and white were chosen as the official colors when the college was given the name Albright. The red symbolizes the zeal and self-sacrifice that made the establishment and the continued growth of Albright possible. The white is the symbol of purity, the purity of thought and life which Albright expects from its sons and daughters.

The lion is the athletic symbol of Albright. As the traditional guardian of the temple, the lion symbolizes great courage, fairness, and tenacity. To Albright he represents the courage, tenacity, and spirit of good sportsmanship which characterizes her athletic teams.

Source: The Albrightian, September 14, 1957