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First May Day, 1923: Home

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First May Day A Great Success

Martha Shambaugh Crowned Queen of May In Program of Unusual Beauty and Interest

Large Crowd Turns Out Despite Rain Threats

At last the eventful day, May the twelfth is past. After many weeks of preparation and much worry on the part of the partcipants. Albright's May Day is a recorded event. This fete has been spoken of as a very pleasing one by all those who witnessed the entertainment. 

In spite of the continuous cloudy sky and rainy weather of the preceding day and of the morning of the pageant, the affair was launched. Old Sol appeared just in time to spur on a large circle of spectators who eagerly watched him usher into the grassy arena which they enclosed the gorgeous May Day procession. The gayly colored retinue of girls marched from Mohn Hall led by the well chosen heralds, Lois Helm and Betsy Scott. The heralds were followed by the May Queen, Martha Shambaugh, who displayed a stunning dignity, and also by her attendants. The remainder of the line was composed of the special dancing combinations, the Greeks, Queen's Fairies, May Polers, Tree-Hearts. The typical court jester, Ruth Hettrick, formed an interesting and humorous part of the parade as she ran in and out the line capering and manouvering. The whole march was one of beauty and effectiveness.

The program began with the crowning of the Queen by a Lady in Waiting, Mary Woodring. After this the special dancing was staged with intervening solos, well rendered and suitable to the occasion, by Misses Frances Wolfersberger and Anna Mengel. All the dances were very gracefully executed and many of the spectators were amazed to note that A. C.'s skill along this line was by no means limited. 

Until the last exercise, the May Pole dance, the program was a booming success. But just as these dancers took their ribbons Mr. Sol refused to stay with them. Mr. Rain took his place and began to pounce upon them. The dance was fairly completed when disagreeable Mr. Rain compelled them to drop their ribbons. The interest of the lookers-on must have been very intense for they remained until the pageant was ended.

The May Day program was effectively ended by presenting a bouquet of roses to Miss Arnita Miles, who was a most capable director of the exercises. Due to her untiring efforts and the great physical strain of tutoring  the May Dayers she took ill Saturday morning and was not able to enjoy the success of her toil.

The music for the pageant was furnished by Miss Lila Flory, piano, Messers. J. Good Brown, violin, David Sechrist, cello. To their ever abounding patience and artistic playing we owe a large measure of our success.

The May Day festivalers dispersed after singing heartily the Alma Mater.

So great was the success of Albright's first May Day fete, even down to the business end managed by Misses Anna Ritte and Helen Walbert, that the girls are looking forward to the time for the next May Day.

Costuming effects, which were decidedly beautiful, were managed by an efficient corps of designers and sewers with Jesse Statler and Ferne Stanford at the head.





Source: The Albright Bulletin, May 23, 1923