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Gingrich Library: Your Success Is Why We're Here!


Library Policies

Library policies and procedures

Conduct Policy - Patron Responsibilities

Responsibilities of the Patrons

Library users are expected to respect the rights of others, the integrity of the Library's resources and the scholarly mission of the Library. Patrons will:

  • Use email, computer or Internet resources within the guidelines set by Information Technology Services.
  • Adhere to policies governing appropriate use of college identification and present identification upon request.
  • Agree to pass through a security system at the exit. Patrons are asked to present any library materials to a circulation staff person to be checked and passed around the security gate.
  • Comply with library policies and college policies as stated on the college website and the Compass.
  • Respond to emergency and security gate alarms and other situations as instructed by staff; leave building at closing and limit use of the library to authorized areas only.
  • Use cell phones in the designated area only.
  • If under 18, be accompanied by an parent or guardian if wishing to use the Library computers.
  • If under 13, be accompanied by a responsible parent or guardian at all times if wishing to use the Library, unless a formal request for service has already been approved by the Library staff.
  • Respond to Library staff requests for compliance with these rules immediately and civilly.

Patrons will not engage in conduct that disturbs Library users, is unsafe or harmful to themselves or others, or interferes with Library activities. Library users will not:

  • Exhibit any threatening or intimidating behaviors, e.g., abusive language, threats of violence or harassment.
  • Engage in behavior that is potentially unsafe or harmful to self or others, e.g., bringing weapons into the Library, rollerblading, skateboarding or throwing objects.
  • Create disturbances with disruptive noise, e.g., loud talking or audible electronic devices.
  • Engage in any sexual activities including, but not limited to, unwanted or inappropriate touching, unwanted or inappropriate advances, harassment or indecent exposure.
  • Vend, peddle, solicit or petition in the Library.
  • Post or distribute materials without permission.
  • Use alcohol, tobacco or controlled substances.
  • Disturb others with strong odors, e.g., perfumes, alcohol or unsanitary personal hygiene.
  • Obstruct use of Library equipment or facilities, or deny access to Library materials through theft or deliberate misplacement.
  • Deface or damage Library materials including, but not limited to, underlining, highlighting, writing, removing pages or security devices.
  • Misuse, misappropriate or damage Library furniture, buildings or equipment, including computer systems.
  • Have food or uncovered drink containers in the Library, except in designated areas.
  • Bring animals, other than identified service animals, into the Library.
  • Leave personal belongings unattended.
Sanctions for noncompliance
  • Library users found in violation of this conduct policy may be asked to present their identification card or personal identification to Library staff or the Public Safety staff; may be subject to a search of backpacks or bags; may be directed to leave the premises and not return to any Library facilities for the day or longer; and may be reported to the Albright College Department of Public Safety.
  • Disciplinary or legal action may also be taken in accordance with applicable federal, state and local laws and policies.
    Reviewed Jaunary 9, 2014
    Revised January 9, 2014