Byron Vazakas Papers, MS-020, 1905-1987
(20 Boxes)
By Brittni Ehrhart and Sidney Dreese
Biographical Note
Byron Vazakas (1905-1987) was an American poet whose career reached the heights of not only celebrity in his loveable Reading, Pennsylvania, but also across the entire United States. Most notable are the accomplishments he made in regards to poetry; he published four books between the years, 1946 and 1970 along with another two hundred and fifty poems in various magazines and anthologies. Vazakas was also nominated for the Pulitzer Prize for poetry in 1947. His work stemmed primarily from much of the interaction he encountered in daily life, he often described himself as a wondering poet; saying “my poetry is my biography”. His work was established over a lifetime and riddled with little riches, but rather filled with words that formed hundreds of poems, books, articles and plays.
Vazakas was born on September 24, 1905 in New York City to Alfred Vazakas, a professor at Columbia University and Margaret Keffer Vazakas, a descendant of Henry Clay. Vazakas also had two brothers, Alexander and Donald. While Vazakas’ family lived in New York, their life was seemingly comfortable. However, after their father, Alfred, died in 1912, the family was forced to relocate to Chicago and suffered from a meager existence. In Chicago, Byron attended formal schooling, however, after grade eight, he choose to stop his schooling. He instead, immersed himself in texts and read constantly. The family eventually moved to Lancaster, Pennsylvania, and then in 1922, the Vazakas family moved to Reading, Pennsylvania. Reading had been home to Byron’s mother, Margaret’s family, and her mother still lived in the area. Byron remained living with his mother until the time of her death in 1940.
While in Reading, Vazakas started to write almost exclusively. He tried his hand at other occupations, but later would admit that he was strictly a poet. “I have avoided…occupations…because a poet desires leisure…my existence consists of the three R’s, Riting, Reading and Roaming.” While establishing himself as a poet in Reading, Byron reached out to other literary figures, who would later become his close friends. Such were William Carlos Williams, Robert Eberhart, Karl Shapiro, Wallace Stevens, W.H. Auden and many others. Williams helped Byron publish his first book, Transfigured Night, which went on to be nominated for the Pulitzer Prize in 1946; Vazakas lost to Robert Lowell. Transfigured Night is also housed in present day in Boston’s Library’s Rare Book Collection.
In 1947, Byron became an unofficial lecturer at Harvard University and moved to Cambridge, Massachusetts. He resided in Massachusetts for 17 years. During his time in Massachusetts, he gave poetry readings at Harvard, Brown (with Tennessee Williams), and the Young Men’s Hebrew Association Poetry Center in New York City. In 1962, he received the Amy Lowell Traveling Scholarship in Poetry and traveled throughout Europe primarily England, however he visited France as well and worked on his poetry while on his scholarship. He received the scholarship again in 1963-1964. In 1966, he published two more books of poetry, The Equal Tribunals and the Marble Manifesto.
Byron worked on many other projects throughout his life while he remained in Reading, Pennsylvania under the modest living of his brother, Alexander Vazakas. He was engaged in the "Poetry in the Schools" project for high schools; a program sponsored by the National Endowment for the Arts and Pennsylvania State Department of Education. He traveled to high schools throughout the Reading region and read poetry to high school students. In 1970, he published his last book, Nostalgias for a House of Cards. In a 1976 book by Louis Simpson, entitled Three on the Tower: The Lives and Works of Ezra Pound, T.S. Eliot and William Carlos Williams Carlos credited him with inventing a new poetic rhythm saying, “he completely did away with the poetic line as we know it, a measure based not upon convention, but, upon music, auditory measure.” In 1981, he received an Honorary Degree, Doctor of Letters from Albright College, Reading, Pennsylvania. Vazakas spent much of his time corresponding with his literary friends from around the world and writing poetry. Although his published work appeared in over fifty six magazines, ten anthologies and four books, Vazakas wrote countless numbers of unpublished poems, short stories and plays.
He spent much of his time walking through the streets of Reading and writing at a desk in the Reading Public Library. He never married nor did he bear any children, instead he focused on relationships formed with literary friends and his brothers. Vazakas life was devoted exclusively to poetry and even until his death on September 30, 1987, he breathed it. Upon his tombstone, his brother Alex engraved “Transfigured Night” to remind not only Reading of their beloved poet, but the entire world.
Scope and Content
Items pertaining to Byron’s life, that spans from his Greek ancestry to his death; including the after effects of his death. A large selection of this collection consists of a wide range of Byron Vazakas' personal library; housing many different works of fiction and non-fiction. Included are copies of Byron’s four published novels as well. Included, as well, are original and photocopies of Byron’s 250 published poems with original notes by Byron on the texts. Manuscripts of all four of his published works are included as well, with various copies, and, additionally, manuscripts of unpublished plays, poetry and articles. Correspondence with various publishers pertaining to Byron’s works, letters of interest in regards to various grants, fellowships and scholarships, and receipt of winning such awards or letters of denial as well. The Amy Lowell Scholarship papers, including correspondence from Byron’s time in Europe. A large amount of correspondence with friends, relatives, publishers, congressmen, professors, literary magazines, and a vast amount with Bruno Palmer-Paroner can be found in the collection. Materials relating to efforts by Byron to receive a National Endowment for the Arts grant, between 1969-1977 are in the collection. Byron’s personal newspaper clippings of particular interest to him as well as newspaper articles about his work, life and impact on Reading, Pennsylvania. Photos of various moments in Byron’s life as well as past relatives are included along with the honorary Doctorate degree he obtained from Albright College. Included is correspondence that Manfred Zitzman, the man responsible for the larger part of the organization and preservation of the Byron Vazakas Papers.
Materials are organized into ten series with one containing four subseries and one containing one subseries: (1) Family Materials, (2) Family Photographs, (3) Published and Unpublished Works, (4) State University of New York (SUNY) Materials, (5) Correspondence, (6) Writers and Artists Materials, (7) Grants and Fellowships, (8) Public Readings, (9) Clippings saved by Byron Vazakas, (10) Manfred Ziztman, (11) Books from Byron Vazakas' library, and (12) Oversized Materials.
Series 1 is primarily material collected about Byron’s life, newspaper articles and personal notes about his family. Series 2 are family photographs. Series 3 contains originals and copies of all of Byron’s published and unpublished works; ranging from poems, plays, novels and articles. Series 4 contains copies of works by Byron collected by State University of New York. Series 5 contains correspondence between Byron and various people over the span of his lifetime. Series 6 contains materials that cover Writers and Artists and their personal thoughts about Byron as well as his thoughts on them. Included are Wallace Stevens and William Carlos Williams. Series 7 includes materials pertaining to Byron’s quest for grants and fellowships funds, and acceptance and rejection letters. Series 8 includes Byron’s speeches given at Albright College as well as his honorary degree and items pertaining to his award. Also included are other public readings. Series 9 is clippings saved by Vazakas. Series 10 are the files Manfred Ziztman compiled pertaining to Vazakas, and the correspondence with various people about Byron. Series 11 are books from his personal library. Series 12 is oversized materials.
Series 1 is primarily material collected about Byron’s life, newspaper articles and personal notes about his family. Series 2 include photographs of Byron and of various friends and family members. Series 3 is split up into four sub series. (2-1) is the poems subseries and is arranged, first by the published poems, numbered 1-209 in numerical order. The numbering was arranged by Manfred Ziztman. Copies of the published poems are included as well within the numbering category. The unpublished poems are arranged alphabetically. (2-2) is the plays subseries and is arranged by the title of the play alphabetically. Originals with notes by Byron, manuscripts and copies of the play are arranged alphabetically. (2-3) is the novels subseries and contains originals with Byron’s notes, manuscripts, copies and cover artwork for the four novels he published. They are arranged alphabetically in the following order, originals, manuscripts, copies and cover artwork with each corresponding title. The unpublished novels are contained in this series as well and are arranged alphabetically. (2-4) is the article subseries and contains unpublished articles or essays written by Byron on a variety of subjects. These are arranged alphabetically. Series 4 is arranged by the title of the work alphabetically. Series 5 (5-1) is arranged alphabetically by the correspondent of Byron, and by the correspondence of publishers (5-2). The publishers are grouped together by the literary magazine or publishing house that which Byron corresponded. In that, they are arranged alphabetically and grouped together by the first letter of the name of their magazine or publishing house. Series 6 is arranged alphabetically. Series 7 is arranged alphabetically by the grant or fellowship name. Series 8 begins with Albright College followed by other places he performed public readings. Series 9 is arranged chronologically by decade. Series 10 is arranged by indexes compiled by Ziztman, including indexes on Byron’s poems and his personal collection of books, articles and recollections of Byron by Ziztman including tape recordings, correspondence between Ziztman and various others pertaining to Byron and lastly legal paper work associated with Albright College receiving Byron’s papers, and legal right for use. Series 11 are books from his personal library. Series 12 is oversized items.
Box and Folder Inventory
Box 1
Series 1: Family Series: Immediate family
Folder 1: Biographical information on Byron Vazakas
Folder 2: Concert programs, 1930s
Folder 3: Ballet programs, 1930s
Folder 4: Articles about Byron Vazakas, 1940s
Folder 5: William J. Meter, in honor of Byron Vazakas, 1940s
Folder 6: Selective Service 4-F classification for Byron Vazakas during World War II
Folder 7: Release of financial obligations, Byron Vazakas to his brother, Alexander K. Vazakas, 1945 and 1963
Folder 8: Reflections on Byron Vazakas, by his friend, Murry Knoblauch
Folder 9: Harvard Universityi years, 1950s
Folder 10: Health problems, 1950s and 1960s
Folder 11: Articles about Byron Vazakas, 1960s
Folder 12: Brown University years, 1960s
Folder 13: Living arrangements, 1964
Folder 14: Articles about Byron Vazakas, 1970-1974
Folder 15: Articles about Byron Vazakas, 1975-1979
Folder 16: Incident report about some suspicious activity, 1976
Folder 17: Articles about Byron Vazakas, 1980s-1990s
Folder 18: Checks and receipts
Folder 19: Identification cards and address book
Folder 20: Certificates of copyright on some of Byron Vazakas' works
Folder 21: Death of the poet, 1987
Folder 22: Vital records, 1987
Folder 23: American Express business card, Paris
Folder 24: Alexander K. Vazakas' obituary, 1996
Folder 25: Donald J. Vazakas' obituary, 2000
Folder 26: Richard Dease, 1971
Family Series: Extended family
Folder 27: Document from the General Consulate of Turkey in Vienna about Alfred Aristides Vazakas, 1895
Folder 28: Letter from Alice C. Williams to Alexander Aristides Vazakas, 1956
Folder 29: Letters from Mary J. Peterson to Alexander K. Vazakas and Patricia Hummel, 1996-1997
Folder 30: Duplicate copy of citizenship certificate of Alexander Aristide Vazakas, July 9, 1921
Folder 31: Notebook with outline for Alexander Aristides Vazakas' planned autobiography
Folder 32-35: Chapters 1-4 of the autobiography
Folder 36: Correspondence to Alexander Aristides Vazakas written in Greek
Folder 37: Correspondence between Alexander Aristides Vazakas and Ruth S. Wolfe
Folder 38: Correspondence between Alfried Aristides Vazakas and his brother-in-law, Rev. Paul Theodorff
Folder 39: Three-ring binder, "Alexander Aristides Vazakas: Family history and records of his life"
Box 2:
Family Series: Photographs
Folder 40: Vazakas family
Folder 41: Baby and childhood photographs of Byron and Alex in New York
Folder 42: Childhood in Lancaster and Reading, PA
Folder 43: Byron Vazakas, 1950s-1960s
Folder 44: Byron Vazakas, 1970s-1980s
Folder 45: Byron Vazakas, honorary degree, Albright College, May 24, 1981
Folder 46: Byron Vazakas, family and friends, 1910s-1940s
Folder 47: Friends, 1930s-1940s
Folder 48: Margaret (Keffer) Vazakas and Alfred Vazakas
Folder 49: Keffer and Kuhn family
Folder 50: Paul and Eugenia (Vazakas) Theodorf
Folder 51: Bruno J. Palmer-Poroner
Folder 52: Alexander Aristides Vazakas
Folder 53: Greek soldiers and Alexander Aristides Vazakas' YMCA days in Greece
Folder 54: Alexander Aristides Vazakas' family
Folder 55: Alexander Aristides Vazakas, his wife and his students
Folder 56: Alexander and Eugenia Vazakas, and family
Folder 57: Passports of Alexander Aristides Vazakas, and his wife, Ida (Alleman) Vazakas
Folder 58: Unidentified individuals
Series 3: Published and Unpublished Works Series
Box 3: Poetry subseries
Folder 59: List of Byron Vazakas poems published in periodicals and anthologies
Folder 60-86: Poems 1-209
Folder 87: Photocopies of poems which appeared in Artspeak
Folder 88-90: Mimeographs and carbon copies of poems
Folder 91-94: Notes on poetry compiled by Byron Vazakas
Folder 95-96: Sets of worksheets for individual poems
Folder 97: Manuscripts and drafts with publication submissions and acceptance
Folder 98: Early poems
Folder 99-100: Later poems
Folder 101: Index and copies of later poems, and locally published poetry, "left out"
Folder 102: Selection of poems from The Equal Tribunals, The Marble Manifesto, and Transfiguered Night
Folder 103; Poems published in the New York Times, 1962 and 1971-1973
Folder 104: Manuscripts and drafts of nine published poems and eight unpublished works
Folder 105: Unpublished poetry
Folder 106: Vazakas' translation of "A Poor Young Shepherd" by Verlaine
Box 4:
Poetry subseries
Folder 107: The Accordians of Paris, manuscript
Folder 108: The Accordians of Paris, an unpublished volume
Folder 109: The Accordians of Paris, typescript
Folder 110: The Alternative Dream, drafts and manuscript
Folder 111: The Alternative Dream, original typescript and copy
Folder 112: The Alternative Dream, typescript
Folder 113: Arsonist of Memory, drafts
Folder 114: Arsonist of Memory, unpublished volume
Folder 115: Arsonist of Memory, photocopy of transcript
Folder 116: Arsonist of Memory, bound typescript
Folder 117: Intruder in the Painted Air, drafts, notes and typescript
Folder 118: Intruder in the Painted Air, unpublished volume
Folder 119: Intruder in the Painted Air, typescript
Folder 120: Intruder in the Painted Air, photocopies of typescript
Folder 121: The Transient of Evening, drafts
Folder 122: The Transient of Evening, original typescript
Folder 123: The Transient of Evening, unpublished volume
Folder 124: The Transient of Evening, typescript
Box 5: Poetry subseries
Folder 125: Transfigured Night, drafts of introduction written by William Carlos Williams
Folder 126: Transfigured Night, typed manuscript
Folder 127: Transfigured Night, manuscript accepted by the MacMillan Company, 1945
Folder 128: Transfigured Night, galley proofs
Folder 129: Transfigured Night, reviews
Folder 130: The Equal Tribunals, correspondence with publishers
Folder 131: The Equal Tribunals, typed manuscript
Folder 132: The Equal Tribunals, galley proof
Folder 133: The Equal Tribunals, reviews
Folder 134: The Marble Manifesto, correspondence with publishers
Folder 135: The Marble Manifesto, first proof
Folder 136: The Marble Manifesto, worksheets and manuscript
Folder 137: The Marble Manifesto, manuscript
Folder 138: The Marble Manifesto, reviews
Folder 139: Nostalgias for a House of Cards, correspondence with publisher, October House
Folder 140 Nostalgias for a House of Cards, manuscript
Folder 141: Nostalgias for a House of Cards, galley proofs
Folder 142: Nostalgias for a House of Cards, book covers
Folder 143: Nostalgias for a House of Cards, reviews
Folder 144: The Accordians of Paris, correspondence with publishers
Folder 145: The Accordians of Paris, efforts to publish
Folder 146: The Accordians of Paris, typescript
Folder 147: Mention of Byron Vazakas in periodicals, 1939-1957
Box 6: Plays subseries
Folder 148: Byron Vazakas' listing and rating of his plays
Folder 149: The Accusers, first drafts and notes
Folder 150: Arieta on an Antique Theme (unfinished), notes and manuscript. Original title, The Son
Folder 151: Arieta on an Antique Theme (unfinished), typescript. Original title, The Son
Folder 152: The Bottom of the Bottle, typescript
Folder 153: The Cat, manuscript and typescript
Folder 154: Dearest Graveston, notes and two scenes: York and Motivations
Folder 155: Dearest Graveston, notes and manuscript
Folder 156: Dearest Graveston, notes and manuscript
Folder 157: Dearest GravestonI, notes, outline and characterizations
Folder 158: Dearest Graveston, typescript
Folder 159: The Family, edited draft, synopsis and manuscript
Folder 160: The Farmer's Hotel, manuscript
Folder 161: The Final Party, notes, drafts and synopsis of plot
Folder 162: Hellhive, edited copy
Folder 163: How Long the Night, manuscripts
Folder 164: How Long the Night, edited draft, notes and research materials
Folder 165: How Long the Night, typescript
Folder 166: The Intruders, edited copies
Folder 167: The Intruders, typescript
Folder 168: Krupp, edited drafts
Folder 169: The Laurels, edited drafts and synopsis
Folder 170: Lord Tom's Cabin, edited drafts
Folder 171: Lord Tom's Cabin, manuscript
Folder 172: Marlowe, edited drafts
Folder 173: Marlowe, edited drafts
Folder 174: Marlowe, typescript
Folder 175: The Mother, manuscript
Folder 176: The Objector: A Psychodrama, manuscript and notes
Folder 177: The Outlawed, synopsis, notes and edited drafts
Folder 178: The Outlawed, typescript
Folder 179: The Pawns, manuscripts and edited draft
Box 7: Plays subseries
Folder 180: Period Piece: A Frivolity of Heirs, edited draft and notes for the director
Folder 181: Period Piece: A Frivolity of Heirs, typescript
Folder 182: Pianola: A Play, manuscript
Folder 183: Pianola: A Play, typescript
Folder 184: Plan of Escape, manuscript and edited drafts
Folder 185: Plan of Escape, typescript
Folder 186: Writer's Colony, manuscript and edited draft
Folder 187: Notes in drama techniques
Folder 188: Various plays and notes
Folder 189: Articles about the theatrical community
Novels subseries
Folder 190: Attempts to publish, The Key, The Visitor, and The Twins
Folder 191: The Key (unpublished), edited copy
Folder 192: The Key (unpublished), rough draft
Folder 193: The Key (unpublished), off-set printing, pages 1-200
Folder 194: The Key (unpublished), carbon copy, pages 1-200
Folder 195: The Key (unpublished), pages 1-199, missing chapters 15 and 16
Folder 196: The Visitor (unpublished), pages 1-90
Folder 197: The Visitor (unpublished), pages 91-167
Folder 198: The Visitor (unpublished), pages 168-200
Folder 199: David, notes and manuscript
Folder 200: Hometown (unpublished), A
Folder 201: Hometown (unpublished), B
Folder 202: Hometown (unpublished), C
Folder 203: The Lincoln Diary (finished), The Christmas Present (unfinished), and Money Isn't Everything (unfinished)
Box 8
Essays and Articles subseries:
Writings by Byron Vazakas
Folder 204: Four unpublished essays "School Sketches," 1931
Folder 205: Essay: Dylan Thomas
Folder 206: Essay: Harold Rosenberg
Folder 207: Essay: Pennsylvania Council of the Arts
Folder 208: Essay: Wallace Stevens
Folder 209: Essay: Walt Whitman
Folder 210: Various sketches
Folder 211: Critical essays on poems
Folder 212: Poet as Scientist
Folder 213: Various essays
Folder 214: Articles written by Byron Vazakas for the Historical Review of Berks County
Folder 215: Letters from Charles E. Dureya to Byron Vazakas, and includes photographs and articles
Folder 216: Articles about Vazakas' writing on Berks County
Folder 217: Newspaper articles
Folder 218: The Reading Hospital and Medical Society of Berks County
Folder 219: Reading Museum
Series 4: S.U.N.Y. Series
Folder 220: List of Vazakas materials held at SUNY Buffalo
Folder 221-236: Photocopies of manuscripts, poems 1-98
Box 9
Series 5: Correspondence Series
Individuals subseries
Folder 237: Appeal for recognition as a poet, A
Folder 238: Appeal for recognition as a poet, B
Folder 239: Charels D. Abbot and Eugene Magner, The University of Buffalo
Folder 240: Artspeak
Folder 241: Mildred Jordan Bausher
Folder 242: John H. Beauvais
Folder 243: Bonnie Borelli
Folder 244: Barbara Cernobyl
Folder 245: Copyright permission
Folder 246: E. E. Cummings
Folder 247: Robert A. Davies
Folder 248: Drama
Folder 249: Birthday cards from family
Folder 250: Dick and Betty Eberharf
Folder 251: Envelopes
Folder 252: James Farrell
Folder 253: Mabel Finlay
Folder 254: Kimon Friar
Folder 255: Stanford Gifford, M.D.
Folder 256: Duff Gilford
Folder 257: Horace Gregory
Folder 258: Shirl Halloran
Folder 259: Peter Stevenson Hanke
Folder 260: Dennis J. Hannon
Folder 261: Lt. T. M. Harwell
Folder 262: Jacob Hauser
Folder 263: J. Herbst
Folder 264: David H. Hill
Folder 265-274: Edwin Honig, 1952-1964; 1977
Folder 275: Dan Hughes
Folder 276: International Mark Twain Society
Folder 277: Ray Koehler
Folder 278: Alfred Kugenborg
Folder 279: Kutztown State College, faculty
Folder 280: Elmer J. LaBranche
Folder 281: Library of Congress
Folder 282: Literary friends, 1937-1947
Folder 283: Literary friends, 1950-1978
Folder 284: Paul Mariani
Folder 285: Ralph Maud
Folder 286: Pearle Mautir
Folder 287: Archibald MacLeish
Folder 288: Kathy McCoy
Folder 289: A. K. McKeugir
Folder 290: William J. Meter
Folder 291: Mrs. George McGow
Folder 292: Richard Moyer and promoting Vazakas' works
Folder 293: Martha and Robert Olsen
Folder 294-312: Bruno Palmer-Poroner, 1941-1976
Box 10
Individuals subseries, continued
Folder 313: Charles H. Philbrick II
Folder 314: Harold Rosenberg
Folder 315: Wallace Stevens and Marianne Moore
Folder 316: Pennsylvania Council on the Arts
Folder 317: James M. Riley
Folder 318: Gerhard Rohrig
Folder 319: Jesse and Lois Seigel
Folder 320: Richard W. Shelton
Folder 321: Louis Edaward Sissman
Folder 322: Lawrence Spingarm
Folder 323: Maritta (Wolff) Stegman
Folder 324: Mrs. Jackson W. (Catherine "Katie") Study
Folder 325: Paul Theodorff
Folder 326: Lawrence S. Thompson
Folder 327: unknown senders
Folder 328-349: Alex Vazakas, 1945-1965
Folder 350-351: Donald Vazakas
Folder 352: Thomas Vazakas
Folder 353: Katherine Wagner
Folder 354: Walt Whitman International Poetry Center
Folder 355-359: William Carlos Williams
Folder 360: George Yatron
Folder 361: Gus Yatron
Folder 362: Mike Yatron
Folder 363: Miscellaneous correspondence with friends
Folder 364: Blank post cards and greeting cards
Folder 365: Christmas greeting to Byron Vazakas in shorthand
Folder 366: Stamps
Folder 367: Tax notice from the city of Reading
Folder 368: Alexander Vazakas and Manfred Zitzman,
Folder 369: Alexander Vazakas, and rare book dealers and record dealers, 1984; 1986
National Endowment for the Arts subseries
Folder 370-383: Correspondence with the NEA, 1969-1979; 1981-1983
Box 11
Publishers' subseries
Folder 384: General
Folder 385: Rejections
Folder 386: A
Folder 387: B
Folder 388: C
Folder 389: D
Folder 390: E
Folder 391: F
Folder 392: G
Folder 393: H
Folder 394: I
Folder 395: K
Folder 396: M
Folder 397: N
Folder 398: O
Folder 399: P
Folder 400: R
Folder 401: S
Folder 402: T
Folder 403: U-Z
Series 6: Writers and Artists Series
Folder 404: George Barker
Folder 405-406: William Baziotes, 1975-1977
Folder 407: Barbara J. Binkley, 1970s
Folder 408: Paul Claudel
Folder 409: George Derwood
Folder 410: Frank Herbert
Folder 411: Edwin Honig
Folder 412: Archibald MacLeish
Folder 413: Paul Mariani
Folder 414: Bruno J. Palmer-Poroner
Folder 415: Peter Quennell
Folder 416: Winfield Scott, newspaper editor
Folder 417: Wallace Stevens
Folder 418: Paul Valery
Folder 419: William Carlos Williams
Folder 420: Maritta (Wolff) Stegman
Series 7: Grants and Fellowships Series
Folder 421: General
Folder 422: Guggenheim Fellowship in Poetry, 1969-1970
Folder 423: Amy Lowell Fellowship
Folder 424: International Poetry Forum, 1972
Folder 425: Yaddo, Bread Loaf, and MacDowell Colony, 1950, 1962 and 1965
Box 12:
Series 8: Public Readings
Folder 426-429: Albright College
Folder 430: Readings, 1940s-1970s
Folder 431: Poetry in the Schools, 1972-1973
Folder 432: Brandeis University
Folder 433: First Unitarian-Universalist Church, Reading, PA
Folder 434: Harvard University
Folder 435: Kutztown State College
Folder 436: Reading Public Museum
Folder 437: Radio
Folder 438: Tennessee Williams
Folder 439: Byron Vazakas' timed readings
Series 9: Clippings saved by Byron Vazakas
Folder 440: First published poems in The Galleon, 1934-1935
Folder 441: Various articles from Artspeak about Byron Vazakas
Folder 442: Scrapbook of Vazakas' poems
Folder 443: Scrapbook of Vazakas' poems dedicated to Bruno Palmer-Poroner, February 5, 1942
Folder 444-446: Poems and essays, 1930s-1980s
Box 13
Folder 447-450: Poems and essays, 1930s-1980s
Folder 451-453: General
Folder 454-457: Clippings, 1950s-1980s
Folder 458: Arts and homosexulaity
Folder 459: Books and publishing
Folder 460: Crime, Reading, PA
Folder 461: "Poets as Artists and Rebels"
Folder 462: Literary agents and publishers
Folder 463: Poetry and magazines
Folder 464: Quotations
Folder 465: Sale brochures
Folder 466: Spies
Folder 467: Theatre
Box 14
Series 10: Manfred Zitzman Series
Folder 468: Indexes to Vazakas' poems, and copies of uncollected poems compiled by Manfred Zitzman
Folder 469: Manfred Zitzman's index to the Vazakas papers
Folder 470-473: Books in Vazakas' personal library compiled by Manfred Zitzman, 1990
Folder 474: List of 68 new poems discovered by Manfred Zitzman
Folder 475: Byron Vazakas' publications
Folder 476: Titles and first lines of Vazakas' poems, and list of periodicals ni which poems were published, some of which were used by Dr. Patricia Hummel in writing her dissertation
Folder 477: Copies of Vazakas' letters Zitzman acquired from Yale University
Folder 478: "Some Recollections of Byron Vazakas," by Manfred Zitzman, 1990
Folder 479: Press release, "A Night in Fullerton," February 6, 1989
Folder 480: Taped interview of Lloyd Eshbach by Zitzman, and his letter to Maritta (Wolff) Stegman, 1990
Folder 481: Tape recordings: (1) Byron Vazakas' readings at Albright College, 1976 and 1983. (2) Manfred Zitzman and Alexander Vazakas
Folder 482: Correpondence between Zitzman and Ethel Baziotes
Folder 483: Correpondence between Zitzman and the English Department, Fleetwood High School
Folder 484: Correpondence between Zitzman and William Hannaford
Folder 485: Correpondence between Zitzman and Eugene Lubot
Folder 486: Correpondence between Zitzman and Bruno Palmer-Poroner
Folder 487: Correpondence between Zitzman and publishers and individuals to acquire copies of Vazakas' letters
Folder 488: Correpondence between Zitzman and President David Ruffer
Folder 489-491: Correspondence between Zitzman and Alexander Vazakas
Folder 492: Posthumous correspondence about Vazakas with Zitzman
Folder 493: Correspondence between Ed Bell and William Hannaford
Folder 494: Correspondence between William Hannaford and Bruno Palmer-Poroner
Folder 495: Zitzman's acquisition of copies of Vazakas' letters from Yale University and SUNY Buffalo
Folder 496: Authorization by Alexander Vazakas to Zitzman to make copies of Vazakas' materials, 1989
Folder 497: Copies of releases giving Albright College the rights to the Byron Vazakas poems, letters, and other materials
Folder 498: Articles written by Manfred Zitzman
Manfred Zitzman Series, continued
Box 15
Complete poems, card file, compiled by Manfred Zitzman
Manfred Zitzman Series, continued
Box 16
Letters, card file, compiled by Manfred Zitzman
Series 11
Boxes 17-19
Books from Vazakas' library including dictionaries, thesauri, fiction and his own published works
Series 12: Oversized Series
Box 20
Folder 499: Certificate for Byron Vazakas' first communion
Folder 500: Poster announcing Byron Vazakas reading his poems at Harvard University
Folder 501: Picture of members of the House of Representatives of Pennsylvania, including Aaron T. C. Keffer, who was Byron Vazakas' grandfather