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FYS 100 -- Funny Women - Spring 2016: Class Activity : Search Strategies

Search Tips

Remember to think of possible:

  • Synonyms
  • Narrower Terms
  • Broader Terms
  • Related Terms

Keyword Brainstorming

Creating Search Strategies

How is Eve Ensler's "The Vagina Monologues" a feminist work?


1.) Begin by having the students identify KEY TERMS in the question and brainstorm a list of synonyms and related topics.

2.) Group work: Students will form groups of 2-3 students.

Each group will find the following to answer the question using  Academic Search Complete 

  • A Popular Article
  • A Scholarly Article

3.) Discussion: Groups will each send one representative to board to present their search strategy; discuss results

  • Discuss the importance of synonyms
  • Discuss database limiters such as date, full text, and peer reviewed.
  • Discuss Scholarly v. Popular.

Instructional Services & Outreach Librarian

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Denise Shorey
Room 113, Center for Computing and Mathematics