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ENG 102 Honors (Fall 2014): Article Databases

Select Subject Databases

Subject Databses

  • MLA International Bibliography - the premier index for English criticism.  Includes foreign language and hard to find resources.  all items are citation but links to full text in other sources are available.
  • JSTOR s a pdf archive of journal articles in various subject areas. Because it is an "archive," there are no current articles.
  • Project Muse - is a collection of more current pulications in full text, with a good concentration on the humanities and English criticism.

Literary Journals

Special Subject Databases

  • Check scholarly, peer-reviewed journals.  These databases will lead to articles in scholarly journals and are a good place to start:

    Academic Search Premier  -- ASP indexes over 12,000 peer reviewed journals with fulltext for over 4,700 journals

    ProQuest -- Large multidisciplinary database and over 160 subjects areas are covered extensively

    Off-campus users will be asked to enter their LionLink username and password to access the library’s databases. Call 610-921-7211 or email for assistance.

    In addition to our subscription databases, Google Scholar has quality sources including full text journal articles in all disciplines.

    PLEASE NOTE: This is not an exhaustive list of all the database provided by the library. If you feel you are not getting the materials you need, please ask for help at the Reference Desk or check out our Complete List of Library Databases.

Finding Articles

A simple way to start searching for literary criticism in an electronic database is by entering the author's name or the name of the literary work along with "and" and the term "criticism." 

"Dorothy Allison" AND Criticism
"Bastard Out of Carolina" AND Criticism

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