Asassination attempt ...
April, 1981
ARTstor: A digital library of over one million images in the areas of art, architecture, the humanities, and social sciences with a set of tools to view, present, and manage images. REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED IN ORDER TO DOWNLOAD IMAGES.
Creative Commons Search: Portal for searching various sites for Creative Commons images, audio, video, and other media. Select a site to begin your search; your currently selected site will be highlighted in light blue.
Flickr: Be sure to select the Creative Commons option before searching! Use for photos or videos.
Library of Congress Collection: Produced by the Library of Congress and mostly free. Be sure to check the copyright statement before using.
Wikimedia Commons: Large collection of public domain and Creative Commons images, sounds, maps, and other media.
Images or illustrations can enhance your papers and presentations. Like written sources, images also need to be properly cited.
When citing a digital image of an artwork or highly creative work, be aware that you need to cite both the physical object information, and the digital image source. The basic information for an artwork image should include:
Citation Examples using MLA Style:
Evans, Walker. Penny Picture Display. 1936. Photograph. Museum of Modern Art,
New York.
Goya, Francisco. The Family of Charles IV. 1800. Oil on Canvas. Museo del Prado,
Citation includes: Artist. Title of Work. Date of Work. Medium of Composition. Museum, City where Museum is located.
Cassatt, Mary. The Boating Party. 1893-1894. National Gallery of Art, Washington,
D.C. ARTstor. Web. 12 Sept. 2009. <>.
Rousseau, Henri. The Ship in the Storm. 1896. Musee de l'Orangerie, Paris.
Grove Art Online. Web. 22 Nov. 2006.
Rousseau, Henri. The Ship in the Storm. 1896. Musee de l'Orangerie, Paris.
The Artchive. Web. 8 Aug. 2006.
Citation includes: Artist. Title of Work. Date of Work. Museum or Collection, City. Database/Web Site. Date Accessed. URL (optional).
vtengr4047 / Ty. "French Horn Close Up." 02 Dec 2005. Online image. Flickr. 09 Feb 2008.
Rousseau, Henri. The Ship in the Storm. 1896. Musee de l'Orangerie, Paris.
Henri Rousseau: Jungles in Paris. By Claire Fresches, et al. Washington:
National Gallery of Art, 2006. 232. Print.
ARTstor also provides citation examples based on the standards by the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA).
Using Images Without Violating Copyright
What is the purpose of use? Would the image be published? To be posted online?
Would it be used commercially? Or non-profit? Classroom use only?
Image downloaded from the Internet:
Does the website you downloaded the image from allow you to use the image for your purpose? You can find out copyright status by checking their "Terms of Use" or "About This Site" page. If you are not sure, contact the author of the website.
Image scanned from a book/publication:
Making digital images from a publication is ONLY allowed under Fair Use of the U.S. Copyright Law. Make sure to write down the detailed information of the publication, then cite the source that you have scanned from.
Check if your purpose of using the image is under Fair Use: