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ENG 102 - Fall 2018: Article Databases

Select Subject Databases

Subject Databses

  • MLA International Bibliography - the premier index for English criticism.  Includes foreign language and hard to find resources.  all items are citation but links to full text in other sources are available.
  • JSTOR s a pdf archive of journal articles in various subject areas. Because it is an "archive," there are no current articles.

What is a periodical?

Book Review Periodicals

The following periodicals are an example of periodicals that contain book reviews. We either have these via a database or in hard back on the 3rd floor of the library. This is  by no means the only periodicals we have. To discover more periodicals either in a database or hardback please consult the journal locator.

American Literature

Children's Literature in Education

Georgia Review

Hudson Review

New Yorker 

New Republic

Kirkus Reviews