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The Domino Players: History: 2000s




"The Three Sisters" by Anton Chekhov and directed by Jeff Lentz. The story is about three sisters in a remote town in Russia, and they want to return to their "beloved Moscow." (The Albrightian, February 14, 2001)

"A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum" directed by Lynn Morrow. The play, set in Rome, was performed in the Meridan Theatre.  (The Albrightian, April 18 and May 15, 2001)

Lynn Morrow's last production: "Mother Courage and Her Children". The lead was played by Shanna McDermott, and her children were, Tara McCourt as Tara and David Segretto as Swiss Cheese. Professor Jim Schirer of the Chemistry Department played Old Colonel.  (The Albrightian, October 21, 2001)

After 27 years Lynn Morrow retires. (The Albrightian, October 21, 2001)


"Prelude to a Kiss" was performed in First Union Theatre previouisly known as Meridan TheatreJeff Lentz, Artist in Residence, was the director. The two leading actors were Chris Davis as Peter and Sally Wojcik as Rita. (The Albrightian, February 14, 2002)


Players have a lock-in -- On January 24, 2003, the Domino Players had a lock-in; it had been three years since the last one. "The festivities started at 8 P. M. and ended at 8 A. M. the next day. Some of the activities included theatre games, improv, dancing, and two professional workshops. They also learned  how to apply stage makeup." (The Albrightian, February 14, 2003)


Jeff Lentz and "The UBU Project"; he titled his adaption to "Spirale." It is one of the best he said, "it is the riskiest play I've ever done." (The Albrightian, May 17, 2004)

"The Seagull" was dedicated to the memory of Lynn Morrow. The play was directed by Jeff Lentz.  Lynn Morrow died on April 18, 2004 (The Albrightian, May 17, 2004)


"Into the Woods" was performed in Wachovia Theater and directed by Jeff Lentz. The play is a musical fairytale. (The Albrightian, April 29, 2005)

"Proof" by David Auburn was directed by Julia Matthews. The star of the show was Sara Marvel portraying Catherine. The play "brings up issues of proof in math and human relationships, and offers a fresh look at mathematicians." The audience is not overwhelmed by mathematics. The play also has a bit of romantic comedy, drama and mystery." (The Albrightian, September 15 and 29, 2005)

"Machinal" was written by Sophie Treadwell, and directed by Jeff Lentz. It is the true story about Ruth Snyder with Helen Jones in the role. Ruth Snyder was the first black women to die in the electric chair. Lentz "enhances the inherent Expressionist style of this play with character movements and dialogue delivered as if the characters themselves were mere cogs in a machine, performing their actions without regard to Helen and her situation." (The Albrightian, November 10, 2005)


"Antigone" by Sophocles was directed by Julia Matthews and Jeff Lentz. In the role of Antigone was Kate Mullen. "Music varied from martial drumbeats to droning eastern-style music." Costume were kimono style robes and other Oriental designs." (The Albrightian, February 23, 2006)

"Tartuffe" by Moliere and directed by guest director, Chris Ajemaian is from New York. It is a lyrical, comedic play, and the animation and set are creative. Tartuffe was played by J. Aaron Boykin. The play used a new narrative style known as Digital Video Script or DVS. (The Albrightian, April 27 and May 11, 2006)


Domino Players take "Waiting for Godot" to the Kennedy Center American College Theatre Festival. The play was directed by Jeff Lentz. (The Albrightian, April 26, 2007)


"A Clockwork Orange" was directed by Jeff Lentz. Dave Darrow was "Alex the Large," the main character in the play. Through the play Alex changes from an evil and violent person to a good person. (The Albrightian, February 28, 2008)

The final performance of the season was "Fences" by August Wilson. Andre Forbes played Troy Maxson whose life revolves around baseball. The play is set in the 1950s before the Civil Rights Movement. (The Albrightian, April 24, 2008)

"You Are Here," an original production, was written by Jeff Lentz and Cocol Bernal, and it had a cast of 37 actors. Art was the focus of the play and they drew inspiration from visiting the Philadelphia Museum of Art. (The Albrightian, September 18, 2008)


The Domino Players took "Love Labours Lost" to the Merriam Theatre in Philadelphia as part of the 2009 Kennedy Center College Festival. The play was directed by Julia Matthews and was first performed November 14-22, 2008 in the Wachovia Theatre. (The Albrightian, January 26, 2009)

In the lead role of "The Threepenny Opera" was George FisherGeorge Fisher played Macheather and his wife, Polly, was played by Lauren Murray. The play was meant to convey a message, not to criticize the poor too harshly. (The Albrightian, February 26, 2009)


Jeff Lentz directed Anton Chekhov's "The Cherry Orchard." The play coordinates the characters, "their voices, their body, and their minds." Two casts were chosen. "One cast only speaks the words of the script, and the other provides the bodies (or vessels) of the characters." (The Albrightian, April 29, 2010)

Jeff Lentz directed "Eurydice" from Greek mythology. Taylor Rae Coe played Eurydice, the wife of Orpheus, who is played by Ryan McCarthy, The play was a 20th century twist using modern music. (The Albrightian, November 18, 2010)