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The Domino Players: Home

Connecting the Past with the Present



The roots of what became known first as the Domino Club, and later, the Domino Players, dates back to the early 1900s. While a student at Albright College, then located at Myerstown, Pennsylvania, Ruth Cordelia Shaffer took an interest in drama. She was the manager of the Dramatic Club in 1910 and 1911. She was also the director of the Girls' Dramatic Club in 1911, the same year she graduated.

In 1911, the first yearbook of Albright College was published and was then titled The Specullum. The yearbook has a photograph of the Dramatic Club. The following year there is a photograph of the Girls' Dramatic Club and their production was of the play, "A Fighting Chance." (There is no evidence that either the Dramatic Club or the Girls' Dramatic Club continued after 1912.

After Ruth Shaffer continued her education, she returned to Reading, and taught English and was the Dean of Women at Schuylkill College. The college was located where Albright College is now located. In 1922, the Thespian Dramatic Society was organized and was under the direction of Ruth Shaffer. Its first production, a comedy, "Assisted by Sadie" was performed at the Women's Club of Reading in December 1923. The purpose of the play was to purchase a phonograph for the Y.W.C.A.

George Taylor in May 1925 came to Schuylkill College to teach Finance and Accounting, and he became the director of the dramatic club, which was then named the Schuylkill Players. At the end of the year, December 1925, the club met and unanimously voted to change its name to The Dominos "by reason of its connotation--maskers, brevity, and freshness." (Schuylkill News, December 17, 1925) In 1933, George Taylor returned to his Alma Mater, the University of Pennsylvania as a member fo the faculty.

In 1929, Albright College moved from Myerstown to Reading taking over the property of Schuylkill College.

Ruth Shaffer, Dean of Women, directed "Death Takes a Holiday," which was performed during Commencement Week in 1934.

Robert Work graduated from Albright College in 1933, and in 1934, he became the Head Librarian and the following year he became the Director of the Dominos. He remained at Albright College for several years, maintaining his enthusiasm for various theatrical productions. Also in 1934, he began a Greek Festival with the students performing Greek plays, e.g., Antigone, Oedipus Rex, The Medea, and Hippolytus on the steps of Science Hall and a very large curtain was placed over the entrance to the building. He also instituted Easter Passion Drama productions during which miracle plays were performed, such as, "The Cornish Mystery of Mary Magdalene and the Apostles, "The Cornish Mystery of the Three Maries," and "The York Mystery of the Incredulity of Thomas."

Through the efforts of Robert Work, White Chapel was remodeled, and a stage was constructed and lighting was added for his first production, "The Animal Kingdom" in 1935.

At the time, only upperclassmen could be members of the Dominos, but Freshmen could be a part of the Green Guild. It was dissolved though in 1936, and afterwards all students were eligible to be a part of the Domino Club. The only limitation was their academic standing.

In the spring of 1938, the Domino Club entered the Cultural Olympics for the first time at the University of Pennsylvania. The club presented Anton Chekhov's "The Proposal." All of the excellent work done by the club added "to the prestige of Albright College." (The Albrightian, March 11, 1938)

There were 400 in the audience to see the performance of "Silver Cord." A first place prize was given to student, Beatrice Hertz, for writing this jingle in November 1938.

"If pleasure be your aim,
Be it ever wild or ever tame,
The Domino Club will do its part
To strike a Silver Cord in your heart."
(The Albrightian, November 18, 1938)

The first Shakespeare play performed in January 1939 by the Dominos was "Twelfth Night." It had a cast of seventeen. Besides directing the play, Robert Work composed music for two original songs.

A first for the Domino Club, an 18th century comedy of errors, "Rivals." The rollicking comedy was a smash hit.

For the Passion Drama Festival the Domino Club performed John Masefield's "Good Friday." The play was about the trial and crucifixion of Jesus and it began at 9:00 P.M. on Sunday night. The purpose of a late time to begin would allow church members to attend services in their own churches before coming to see the play. (The Albrightian, March 7 and 28, 1941)

The last play directed by Robert Work was "Antigone" by Sophocles on the 8th anniversary of its first performance. It was first performed on campus in 1934. "The play is one of the finest of the extant Greek plays." (The Albrightian, May 2, 8 and June 8, 1941)

Paul Bentley Sands was director of Reading's Echo Dell Players and a prominent figure in local dramatics, and he took the place of Robert Work. His first production during the fall semester, 1941, was "The Male Animal" by James Thurber and Elliot Nugent. The play was noted as a sparkling, sublime comedy.

Shortly after the United States entered World War 2, President Masters drastically cut campus social activities. There would be only four dances, and drama was curtailed by the "omission of the next Domino production, "As You Like It," and the Greek play." However, the annual Passion play, "Ever Unto Death" would be performed. It was a short play about the time preceding the death of Jesus. (The Albrightian, January 16,, 1942)

However, in November 1942, "As You Like It" was performed and The Albrightian noted that the Domino Club was "one of the most active organizations on campus." The Albrightian further stated, "The girls many need to parade around in men's tights due to a shortage of men" who serve in the military service. (October 9, 1942)

The Dominos traveled to the Indiantown Gap Military Reservation to perform "As You Like It" two times. Once to hospitalized soldiers, and  once to the regular army. "The cast is planning to captivate the ill soldier boys by a somewhat shortened version of the drama." (The Albrightian, November 13, 1942)

"Our Town" was replaced with "Love from a Stranger," because of the lack of available men and uncertainty of their continuance in school." The play had fewer male roles. (The Albrightian, December 18, 1942)

In December 1943, there was a fire in White Chapel, and President Masters ran over from the Administration Building (Masters Hall) with a fire extinguisher to put out the blaze. It happened on President Masters birthday. Due to damage done by the fire, the play, "Warrior's Husband," was performed in January 1944. The modern play was performed in Greek costume after the chapel was renovated. It was called a "spicy production." A sole performance was given for the soldiers.

Ruth Shaffer returned to being director of the Domino Club at the resignation of Paul Bentley Sands at the end of the Spring Semester, 1944. She directed a few more plays, Maury Yeston and Peter Stone's "Death Takes a Holiday," and Oscar Wilde's "The Importance of Being Earnest." She also directed two Easter plays, "The Terrible Meek," and "The Crown of Thorns" on Palm Sunday night.

S. Helen Ahrens was the next director of the Domino Club. She was a drama enthusiast, and directed other groups around Reading. English professor John Douds requested that she produce one of Shakespeare's plays, "Much Ado About Nothing," but it did not appeal to the junionr and seniors. However, after much persuasion, students took roles, and the play was quite successful. In March 1946, the group performed a skit, "Romantic Interlude."

For Easter, 1946, the Dominos dramatized "The Rock" which was about the life of Simon Peter and how he changes as he encounters Christ. Bill Marlow, Class of 1949, had the lead role of Peter. Harry Koursaros played a servant. The Albrightian stated about  Marlow, "The demanding and varied part of Simon Peter was interpreted with unusual depth and versatility for one so young." (April 30, 1946)

At the end of the Spring semester, May 1946, S. Helen Ahrens left the college and Mrs. Annadora Vesper joined the English faculty as a new instructor, Fall 1946. With the exception of being out on maternity leave in 1954, she was the director of the Domino Club continuously until 1956. She had high standards for herself and expected the same of the actors. "Any member missing two consecutive meetings without a reasonable excuse" would be dropped. (The Albrightian, December 20, 1946)

The first play she produced was "Arsenic and Old Lace" in December 1946. Bill Marlow took the role of Mortimer Brewster. The play was a "rousing success."

Robert Dombro and John Reside had been in the military service during World War 2 and returned to the college to continue their studies. In a meeting of the Domino Club, Dombro reported on dramatics in Okinawa, India, and other places where they had been stationed. Reside talked about theater in England while in the army. He also met Noel Coward.

A heavy drama, "Our Town" was the Spring, 1947, presentation. Doris Chanin (later Doris Freedman, for whom Freedman Gallery is named) performed in the play. The audience was challenged because it was stated the "performers must present all the difficult mechanics of acting and the audience must imagine all the details." (The Albrilghtian, March 18, 1947)

"Family Portrait" was an eloquent picture of the family of Jesus. Marjorie Christ portrayed Mary, the mother of Jesus. "Her simple dignity created the required atmosphere of love and understanding." The production was a "sincere and moving production."  (The Albrightian, March 2, 1948)

Vi Seibert had the lead role in "Joan of Lorraine" and she received top honors in her rewarding performance. The play was said to have stirred the campus. (The Albrightian, March 11, 1949)

On August 26, 1949, in Pittsburgh Annadora Vesper married Eugene Shirk, a member of the faculty.

The Domino Club performed "Life with Father" to the campus with Harry Koursaros playing Dr. Humphreys. The group also had a special performance to some guests, the soldiers from the Coatsville Veterans Hospital. (The Albrightian, November 18, 1949)

The spring play, 1950, was "Thunder Rock" with Harry Koursaros portraying Briggs and Doris Chanin in the role of Melanie. The play was an outstanding production and received mention in the publication, International Theatre Month

The Domino Club presented two one-act plays at the Laureldale Women's Club of the Calvary Lutheran Church. The students have been performing these days around Reading in 1950 to raise money to buy a spotlight badly needed by the Domino Club. (The Allbrightian, December 8, 1950)

The Domino Club has joined Alpha Psi Omega, the national dramatic fraternity. The club was recognized as the Delta Nu chapter. (The Albrghtian, January 19, and March 2, 1951)

"The Silver Whistle" was performed in November 1952 and was praised as 'outstanding entertainment.' Additional performances were staged to the college women's auxiliary, and the College Club of Reading.

A new staging method for the Dominos, theatre-in-the-round, was introduced with the production of Charles Dickens' "A Christmas Carol." The play was presented on the stage in Krause Hall. "The new medium of the theatre resembles an amphitheatre. The stage is in the middle, at the floor level, and the audience is seated around the circumference of the stage." (The Albrightian, December 12, 1952)

"Bell, Book and Candle" was produced and was said to add zest to the Halloween season. Nancy Lou Walker and Robert Brown had the lead roles. Sally Lanz, Class of 1956, loaned her seven-year old cat to portray "Pyewacket." (The Albrightian, November 6, 1953)

Mrs. Yvonne Molloy took the place of Annadora Shirk after a six-month leave, due to maternity leave. Mrs. Molloy directed several plays written by Irish playwrights, including "Aria da Capo," "Riders to the Sea," and "The Playboy of the Western World." Annadora Shirk returned to teaching English and as advisor of the Domino Club, spring semester, 1955.

Robert Burcaw came to Albright as a new instructor to teach English and he also was the technical director for the Domino Club. In April 1956, President Masters appointed Burcaw as the director of the Dominos. He directed several one-act plays written by freshmen as part of their English classes. However, he soon returned to his Alma Mater, Moravian College, to be a member of the English faculty there.

All Freshmen were invited to attend the first meeting of the Domino Club, could try out. "There will be group and solo readings in both straight drama and comedy." Mr. Burcaw assisted Mrs. Shirk, along with Thalia Voigt, club president. (The Albrightian, September 23, 1955)

The first Thursday of every month the Domino Club held a workshop stressing the dramatic arts. (The Albrightian, November 11, 1955)

The spring play, April 5-7, 1956, was "The Crucibile" by Arthur Miller. The play was directed by Annadora ​Shirk and Robert Burcaw was the technical director. The leads were played by Thaila "Dee" Voigt, Class of 1956, and Robert Miller, Class of 1959. The various committees were soon named. (The Albrightian, March 2 and 9, 1956)

"The Happy Journey," a one-act play by Thornton Wilder, toured area high schools, under the auspices of the Domino Club. (The Albrightian, March 14, 1956)

After ten years, Annadora Shirk, stepped down as director of the Domino Club so she could turn her attention to new activities. Robert T. Burcaw was then appointed director by President Masters. Burcaw's directing experience began at Moravian College, and during World war II he had experience in the Service Theatre Group. (The Albrightian, April 20, 1956)

The club chose three one-act plays written by freshmen as part of English classes. The Domino Club will perform the plays in White Chapel. The three plays were: "An Apple for Satan," "No Season with Reason," and "Dead Man's Salute." (The Albrightian, May 5, 1956)

Twenty new members were added to the Domino Club, and Thalia Voigt was re-elected president. (The Albrightian, May 18, 1956)

Patricia A. Hostetter (later she married William Hummel, Albright History professor) replaced Robert Burcaw as an instructor in English composition and public speaking. She also became the new director of the Domino Club. She received her B.A. from Oberlin College and her M.A . from the University of North Carolina.

Her first production was "Rainmaker." The stars in the fall performance, November 15-17, 1956, were Elizabeth Reynolds, Class of 1957 and Ralph Carl, Class of 1957. The play was performed in White Chapel. "Students may exchange their activity book coupon plus 10 cents (tax) for admission. (The Albrightian, October 12 and November 16, 1956)

The Domino Club drew a large audience with its 'Operation Domino Club.' "It was a series of sketches showing make-up procedures, stagecraft, try-out methods and other phases of production was staged and directed by officers of the group." (The Albrightian October 12, 1956)

"Flunkers Follies," was a variety show sponsored by the Domino Club and the Student Council, and the proceeds went to a scholarship for a Hungarian refugee. The revue consisted of student variety acts and an extra added attraction was a prima donna ballerina. The show was performed in Krause Hall. (The Albrightian, January 11 and 18, 1957)

Three were named to lead roles for the spring play, "Antigone": Kathleen Forry, '57, Gerald Robbins, '59, and Eustace Renner, '59. (The Albrightian, February 15, 1957)  The play will be performed March 21-23 in White Chapel Hall. Assisting Patricia Hostetter was student director, Alexander Wipf, Class of 1960. (The Albrightian, March 1 and 15, 1957)

"I'm a Fool," a one-act play, written by Cgrustain Sergei, was given by the Domino Club to area high schools. (The Albrightian, April 12, 1957)

The club inducted 17 thespians and tryouts were conducted for the fall production, "The Imaginary Invalid" by Moliere. (The Albrightian, October 11, 1957) The leads for the play were Joy Detweiler, '60, and Vaughn Mervine, '59. Originally though "The Grass Harp" had been the selected play. (The Albrightian, October 5 and November 15, 1957)


Joy Detweiler, '60 and Steven Roth, '61 had the leading roles of "Pygmalion" by George Bernard Shaw. The play opened in White Chapel on March 13, 1958. Students assisting Patricia Hostetter were Sarah Dettra, '59 and Vaughn Mervine, '59. (The Albrightian, February 7 and March 7, 1958)

Six members were inducted in Mu Sigma, the national honorary dramatic fraternity. Also, "Aida Revisited" was performed as a live broadcast over  WGAL-TV, Lancaster television station on April 12, 1958. Vaughn Mervine, Class of 1959, president of the club, introduced the live broadcast. In addition, the one-act play was presented to local schools. The play featured Joy Detweiler, '60 and Eustace Renner, '59. (The Albrightian, May 9, 1958)

The Domino Club's fall production was "Admirable Crichton" by J. M. Barrie, who also wrote "Peter Pan". In the title role of the four-act modern fantasy was Steven Roth, '61. (The Albrightian, October 31, 1959)  The four-act play was directed by Patricia Hostetter. (The Albrightian, November 7 and 21, 1958)


Alan Kutner, '60 and Howard Deck, '61 had the lead roles in "Inherit the Wind" written by Jerome Lawrence and Robert Lee. The play was performed in Krause Hall and new equipment was unveiled for the play. (The Albrightian, February 13 and 27, 1959) Arena theater (also known as "theatre in the round) was reintroduced. It had been used FIRST in 1952 when the club presented Charles Dickens' "A Christmas Carol" in Krause Hall, and again in 1954 with Synge's "The Playboy of the Western World." (The Albrightian, March 6, 1959)

The Domino Players gave a dramatic reading of the poem, "John Brown's Body" at their April meeting in White Chapel. "Members of the Reading High School Workshop Players were invited as guests." (The Albrightian, March 17, 1959)

The Domino Club had its annual banquet in the college dining hall, and several members "were inducted into the Alpha Psi Omega national dramatics fraternity." (The Albrightian, May 22, 1959)

Fall production was "The Man Who Came to Dinner," a three-act play by Moss Hart and George S. Kauffman. The leads are Howard Deck, '61 (who portrays "the many who came to dinner), Charles Mengle, '60, Nancy Heilman, '60, and Patricia Cush, '60. Margaret Schultz, '60 was the student who assisted Patricia Hostetter. The play was performed in Krause Hall as theater-in-the-round, November 19, 20, and 21. (The Albrightian, October 9 and 24, 1959) After the play was performed, it was named a smash hit. (The  Albrightian, November 20, 1959)


The next play to be performed in the spring was "The Diary of Anne Frank".  It was adapted from the book by Frances Goodrich and Albert Hackett. The two-act drama was performed in-the-round. Rachel Hinman, '60 had the lead role. (The Albrightian, February 12 and March 18, 1960) The "tragic and heartwarming drama" was named a hit and was "highly successful as arena theatre." (The Albrightian, March 25, 1960)

"Midsummer Night's Dream" was the fall performance and staged in Krause Hall November 17-19.. (The Albrightian, September 23, and October 14, 1960)


Patricia Hostetter's last production was a comedy, "Misalliance," by George Bernard Shaw in 1962. Howard Deck, Class of 1964, had the lead role. (The Albrightian, March 2, 1962)

Dr. Samuel B. Shirk was the next director of the Domino Club and the first play he directed, fall semester 1962, was "The Desk Set." It was performed "in-the-round" in Krause Hall. The Albrgithtian stated that "romance, comedy and adventure" prevailed in the play. (November 30, 1962)

For the play, "Abe Lincoln in Illinois," in 1964 a train platform had to be constructed, actually moving a six-foot portion of the stage. It represented a train in which Lincoln waved good-by to friends at the railroad station.



Prior to the production of "Monique," a French murder-mystery in two acts, the name of the Domino Club was changed to Domino Players. The play was presented in January 1963 in Krause Hall and was done in arena style. Dave Martin, Class of 1967 (later a professor of economics and business) was a technical associate.

Shirk's final production, spring 1966, was "The Cocktail Party" and was done in blank verse and in arena style. Due to the increasing administrative responsibilities as assistant to the president, English professor and director of admissions, Shirk stepped down as director of the Domino Players.

In the fall 1966, the new director of the Domino Players was Edwin "Ted" Sargent, and he also was an English professor. The early plays he directed were, "Arms and the Man," "The Little Foxes," and "Everyman." These were the last plays staged in cold and drafty Krause Hall, which the students had to endure.

The new Campus Center Theater was constructed and dedicated on November 4, 1967. The first play Sargent directed was "Six Characters in Search of an Author." Krause Hall was razed, and the new theater was constructed on the same site.

Vicki Maydosz, Class of 1971, had the lead female role in "The Ballard of the Sad Cafe." Ed Sargent said of her, "she is one of the most aware actresses I've very directed. She has sensitivity to, and understanding of the character which is remarkable." Co-starring with Maydosz were John Duff, Class of 1972, and Ted Cockey, Class of 1970. (The Albrightian, October 10 and 17, 1969)

"The Second Shepherd's Thing" was a psychedelic morality play using four heavy metal musicians, known as the Pete Culpepper Excursion. The purpose of the play "is for twentieth century man to create his own ritual for celebrating the birth of Peace." (The Albrightian, October 10 and 17, 1969)

The main play of the school year, spring 1970, was "The Persecution and Assacination of Jean Paul Marat." The idea of total theater was used in the play, i.e., every tool of the theater is used, including monologue, dialogue, satire, pantomime, and music. The play was a part of the Theater of Cruelty. (The Albrightian, April 17, 1970)

"Lenny" was a play about  Lenny Bruce, a famous nightclub performer, 1955-1956. The play is based on total theater--a composite of music (live band), a broad spectrum of lighting, a tribal chorus, dance, and interchanging roles for the characters. The set includes a 24-foot moving platform and sixteen foot high Sharman Puppets. The play had a mixture of comedy, tragedy, and satire. (The Albrightian, April 26 and May 3, 1974)

Lynn Morrow was the new head of the Domino Players replacing Ted Sargent. She also was an English professor. Her first production was Shakespeare's "Twelfth Night." (The Albrightian, 1974: LXVII, Number 3) The cast was announced for the play. (The Albrightian, October 18, 1974) "Opening Night Approaches for Domino Players." All seats were reserved for the play. Over the Summer tools were stolen and the Dominos have serious budgetary problems. Kathy Windle was the assistant director and Lynn Morrow was the director. (The Albrightian, November 8, 1974)

Lillian Hellman's "The Children's Hour" to be the spring production. The play was "the story of two women who have struggled to build a private school for girls. The two women are falsely accused of being in a homosexual relationship, and the "destruction of all the characters is the play's primary concern." For the set, several huge paintings by Harry Koursaros were used on the set; he painted new ones specifically for this play. Play dates are May 8, 9, 10, and 11, 1975.  "The cast members were encouraged by Director Lynn Morrow to treat the play as a form of education--to learn by doing. The actors found their work to be enjoyable, difficult, and highly rewarding." (The Albrightian, May 2 and 16, 1975)

"A Canterbury Caper" adapted from Chaucer's Canterbury Tales was the fall production, November 20, 23 and 24. The only props were three ladders. The play is bawdy, funny, serious, satirical and bloodthirsty. The play kicks off a theater festival held at Albright College. (The Albrightian, November 14 and 21, 1975)

The fall production for 1977 was "An Evening with Edward Albee" and included two of his plays, "Zoo Story" and "The American Dream." Both plays were early one-act plays by Albee. Lynn Morrow was both director and designer. The plays were performed on campus, and also a FIRST, it was "entered into the American College Theatre Festival. The festival is a competition for college and university productions throughout the United States. (The Albrightian, September 30, November 11, December 2, 9, 1977).

The spring play, 1978, was "The Importance of Being Earnest" by Oscar Wilde. Play dates were April 20, 21, 22 and 23. Kay Fallon was the assistant director, and key players were Paul Thomas, Paul Townsend and Diane Ginsberg. (The Albrightian, March 17 and April 7, 1978)

The Domino Players' fall production was Jules Feiffer's "Little Murders." The play is a "caustic depiction of modern daily life; humorous yet harrowing portray of the degeneration of American Life." The play is noted for its technical complexity. It "illustrates the theater's transition into a new era of technical design" with the use of sound tracks, movies and slide presentations. The theatre group's first play for the season "exemplifies the increasing number of student-faculty efforts in the theatre department." (The Albrightian, October 6, 20, November 3, 10, 17, and December 8, 1978)

The last production of a musical was "Bye Bye Birdie" in 1976. The spring production, 1979, was another musical, "Wonderful Town" by Leonard Bernstein." (The Albrightian, March 23, 1979)

December 5-9 the Domino Players produced Shakespeare's "The Tempest" with a cast of 21. William Marlow portrayed the Boatswain. Lynn Morrow said of him, he is "magnificent and his voice helps to create the necessary 'storm effect'". She also said of Richard Androne, who portrayed Alonzo; he was wonderful in this role. The last time a Shakespeare play, "Twelfth Night" was performed was in 1974. (The Albrightian, November 2, 30, 1979)


"Oh, What a Lovely War" is a play within a play, and was directed by Lynn Morrow. "The play was 'assembled' in London during the Vietnam War as a response to the war. The subject is an accurate historical rendition for World War I, from an English perspective." (The Albrightian November 21, 1980)


The spring show, a comedy, was "She Stoops to Conquer." Archie Perrin and Bill Marlow performed in the play. (The Albrightian February 27, and April 10, 1981)

The Domino Players presented Arthur Miller's "The Crucible" for their fall production. It was first produced after Joseph's McCarthy's witch-hunt. Miki Mikita portrayed Abigail Williams in the lead female role. Lynn Morrow was the director. (The Albrightian, October 23 and November 13, 1981)


The fall show was "Godspell" with "ten characters with no leads; all of the characters are deeply involved."Ken Fisher portrayed Jesus Christ. The musical was a marvelous show." While Lynn Morrow was on sabbatical in Greece, Allen Moyer was the director. (The Albrightian, November 5, 19, 1982)


Shakespeare's "Romeo and Juliet" was the spring show. John Buxton played Romeo and Jan English played Juliet. (The Albrightian, February 18, 1983)

"Loot" is a contemporary play by Joe Orton. The play is "described to be a comedy, that is wickedly funny, farcical, and outrageous." Starring were Joanne Pippin, Mike Mietz, and John Semon. (The Albrightian, March 18, April 15 and 22, 1983)

A comedy, "Arms and the Man," by George Bernard Shaw was the fall play. It ran for two weeks during November, and was directed by Lynn Morrow. (The Albrightian, November 11 and 18, 1983)


"Haggadah" was the spring production and it is taken from the book of prayers that were said during the Sedar, the Passover service. The play also tells the story of Moses. (The Albrightian May 4, 1984)

"Female Transport" by Steve Gooch was the Fall play. The story is set in the 19th century and is about female prisoners being transported from Britain to a prison in Australia. Lynn Morrow stated, "The play affirms women and the growing strength of women. "The six women "gain strength and understanding in order to endure the violent atmosphere in which they find themselves." The assistant director was Beth Schroeder. (The Albrgithian, October 26, November 2, 16, 1984)


The spring production, "Five Pieces of Eight," was a series of experimental/absurdist plays: "Dark Pony," "Act Without Words I" and "That Time," "The Actor's Nightmare," and "Jeff Without a G." The latter was a one-man show, starring Jeff Lentz. "Absurdism is a theatrical movement which began as a reaction to realism. It argues that a man's life is spent searching to give his existence meaning." (The Albrightian, May 11, 1985)

"Merrily We Roll Along" was the last production for the school year. The musical was written by Stephen Sondheim. "The entire plot was performed backwards as a series of flashbacks," and covered the previous 25 years of three friends. (The Albrightian, April 19 and 26, 1985)

The fall production, a Broadway comedy, was "Gemini" and was called a "fine performance." The play is set in South Philadelphia in 1973. Ralia Vardaxis, '87, portayed Lucille Pompi. The director was Lynn Morrow. (The Albrightian, November 8 and 15, 1985)


The Domino Players put on "A Thurber Carnival," a collection of the humorist, James Thurber. Todd Kelly, a 1985 graduate, was the director. The cast consisted of ten students. The play used "subtle bits of sarcasm and wit."  Kelly noted, "Though I enjoyed the time I put into the play, it made it a lot easier working with actors and actresses who did not question my authority in any way due to lack of experience." (The Albrightian, February 14 and 21, 1986)

From the 17th century, Moliere's comedy, "The Imaginary Invalid" to be the Spring production. The main character, Argan, was played by Robert McDonald, who is a hypochondriac and was an eternal plight for health." Moliere, himself, suffered from tuberculosis, which took his lfe. (The Albrightian, April 11 and 18, 1986)

"Cinders" by Janusy Glowacki is set in socialist Poland, near Warsaw, behind the Iron Curtain in a girls' reformatory school. "Actual filming techniques had to be learned and perfected." The play calls attention to two human values: (1) integrity and (2) compassion. Lynn Morrow directed the play. (The Albrightian, October 31 and November 21, 1986)


"The Boyfriend," is a musical by Sandy Wilson and was directed by Jeff Lentz. It is a "boy-meets-girl-and-they-fall-in-love" story. The play is a spoof of the 1920s, and it is both a musical and a big dance show. (The Albrightian, February 13, 1987)

The Spring play, "See How They Run" is a comedy by Philip King. (The Albrightian, May 1, 1987)

Michael Egan, a veteran of Broadway, takes the lead role in "Galileo." The play has been called "Bertolet Brecht's most fascinating play....Bringing the play to life is a talented cast of students, faculty, administrators, and members of the community, including several children." The play is a part of Albright's Festival of Arts. "The Domino Players hope that that Mr. Egan and the rest of the talented cast will help draw attention to the importance of the fine arts at Albright." (The Albrightian, October 30, November 6 and 13, 1987)

The Domino Players with the recently founded Pennsylvania Shakespeare Company will perform Shakespeare's "Measure for Measure," December 10 through the 13. (The Albrightian, December 4, 1987)


"Dames at Sea" was directed by Jeff Lentz and Jeff Kazin. It is a two-act musical comedy with no deep plot, and is a spoof about the musicals of the 1930s. It "gave Bernadette Peters her first starring role." The musical is described as energetic, exciting, and strictly entertaining. (The Albrightian, February 12, 1988)

"The Man Who Had Three Arms" was played by Lancaster resident, Edward Ferandez. Also in the play are freshmen: Jeff Shuba and Saidah Ekulona. The play was written by Edward Albee. It was performed as part of the Arts Festival. Also, being performed for "Albee at Albright" with two of Albee's plays (1) "Counting the Ways," and (2) "Zoo Story." Edward Albee also attended the arts festival; his visit highlighted the week long festival. (The Albrightian November 11, 1988)


"Twelfth Night" was performed April 15-16, 20-22. The show on April 16 was a matinee. The play has two plots. (The Albrightian, April 14, 1989)

"Scotland Applauds Domino Players": The Domino Players traveled to Scotland to perform Edward Albee's, "The Man Who Had Three Arms." The Players performed to sell-out houses during their three-week stay. The lead role was played by Edward Ferandez. Also starring with him were Saidah Ekulona and John Shuba. "We've literally had to reprint more than 6,000 playbills we brought with us out on the streets each day," commented Lynn Morrow. For their performances (17 days) the Domino Players won the "Fringe First Award." (The Albrightian, September 15, 1989)


Guest director was Jeff Lentz (Class of '85) for "Oedipus Rox." Wayne Vettleson was the lighting director and Victor Capecce was the set designer. The play was called a success wth much music, murder, mayhem and hilarity. (The Albrightian, February 19, 1990)

Drawn on Arthur Miller's autobiography, the Domino Players performed, "The American Clock" for two weeks. The setting for the play was during the Great Depression in the early 1930s. Lynn Morrow stated, the play "is rich in music, monologues, and vignettes." Christopher Nagle portrayed Lee Baum" representing Arthur Miller. Saidah Ekulona performed several strong vignettes.(The Albrightian, December 14, 1990)


Guest director for "Lovers" was Jeff Lentz (Class of '85). The play, a tragi-comedy by Brian Friel, "combines two one-act plays which celebrates the dreams and aspirations of two couples." The two plays are "winners" and "Losers." (The Albrightian, February 14, 1991)

Shakespeare's "Midsummer Night's Dream" was the "the FIRST extravagant, full-scale theatrical performance in the newly renovated Art Center." The assistant director is Carl Seiple. Saidah Ekulona, "who plays the part of Titania, the queen of the Fairies, feels that, 'the play has a magical and mystical quality and that it stresses the influence of relationships in one's life.'" (The Albrightian, April 19, 1991)

"Over Here" was presented in the Meridan Theater in November. The director of the musical was Lynn Morrow, Albright's own Big Band provided the Big Band sound for jitterbugging and singing alike. (The Albrightian, November 22, 1991)


Jeff Lentz (Class of '85) was the director of the musical, "Colored Museum." It "addressed the stereotypes of African-Americans and their cultural heritage which has been denied by the majority of Americans. (The Albrightian, February 21, 1992)

Lynn Morrow directed Shakespeare's "Comedy of Errors." Three first-year students were cast among the principals. The play was a modern representation set in South Philadelphia, (The Albrightian, November 6 and 20, 1992)


"Our Town" by Thornton Wilder was the fall production, 1995. Along with students both faculty and parents had roles in the play. James Scheirer, a professor of Chemistry, had also portrayed Mr. Webb in the 1977 production of the play. He said, "I love this play!" (The Albrightian, October 6, 1995)

The renowned play, "Inherit the Wind," by Jerome Lawrence and Robert Lee, was performed in the Meridan Theater. Among the cast was H. Jean Liberman, Class of '49. (The Albrightian, December 8, 1995)


Domino Players entertain in the Meridan Theater with the play, "The Member of the Wedding." The play, set in the 1940s, was directed by Jeff LentzLisa Strum and Tammy Lynn Hill acted superbly. (The Albrightian, February 16, 1966)

An Interview with Lynn Morrow -- (The Albrightian, November 26, 1996)"

"Androcles and the Lion" by Aurand Harris, a popular retelling of a Roman tale.  The play was "written in the style of the rich Italian theatre tradition of commedia dell 'arte." -- Nathan Roberts played Androcles, and Robert Holliday had the role of "a very large lion....The Domino Players were graced with the proud privilege directed by Albright's nontraditional sophomore, Kristopher W. Updike." (The Albrightian, November 26, December 10, 1996)


"The Illusion," a French comedic play written by Pierre Corneille, set in the 17th century. In the images of Calisto's -- played by Paul Mischeshin -- life, the audience sees the trials and tribulations of him. The audience becomes voyeurs. (The Albrightian, February 18, 1997)

"Cloud Nine" written by Caryl Chruchill has much laughter. it is "a hilarious play about the evolution of sex over a century." (The Albrightian, April 22, 1997)

The comedic play, "Six Characters in Search of an Author" was performed December 5,6,11,12 and 13. The play by Luigi Parinandello "was crucial in the development of the modern drama." (The Albrightian, December 16, 1997)


"The Threepenny Opera" was directed by Jeff Lentz (Class of '85). (The Albrightian, February 25, 1998)

"True West" was directed by Lynn Morrow. The play was written by Sam Shepherd and its main theme is competition for power and success between two brothers. The brothers were played by Nathan Roberts and Kristofer Updike. (The Albrightian, September 18, 1998)


"Getting Out" by Marsha Norman and directed by Lynn Morrow. The play is about a woman adjusting to life after prison. "Come and see the Albrightian's own Mark Blank in his most compelling performance yet!" (The Albrightian, October 14, 1999)