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SOC 210 -- Research Methods (Spring 2020): OneSearch & Google Scholar

When Should I Use OneSearch?

OneSearch is a great place to start your research and get ideas for your assignment.  It helps you quickly find relevant resources on a subject, without having to decide which database(s) to search.  You can also limit your search results in a variety of ways, including date range, publication type, subject, and geographic location.  The library's cataloged resources, such as books, eBooks, and DVDs and are also integrated into the search results.

LION OneSearch box -- Use the tabs below to customize your search!

LION OneSearch searches cataLION & many databases. | About LION OneSearch


Use the cataLION catalog to find books, e-books and DVDs at Albright


Advanced Search

Search for articles in EBSCO Discovery Service

Search for video in EBSCO Discovery Service

Search for a specific journal title in the box below.


Browse By Discipline

Tips for Better Searching

  1. By default, the OneSearch searches all terms you have entered, without the need to use AND.  For example: Teens Game Violence will find items that contain all 3 terms.
  2. By default, the OneSearch searches through the full text of documents (if available).  This may cause a large number of results, and not all are relevant to your subject.  Results are returned in a relevancy ranked order. To improve the relevancy of your search results, enclose phrases in "quotation marks".  For example:   "school violence" or "global warming"
  3. To find variant endings for a word, use the * asterisk (truncation symbol.)  For example:  delinquen* finds delinquent, delinquents, delinquency
  4. To find books, e-books. videos or other items in the Albright library, refine your search by selecting " Catalog (cataLION) Only"
  5. To find scholarly journal articles, refine your search by selecting "Scholarly (Peer Reviewed) Journals"
  6. Many items have direct links to retrieve the full text. For those that don't, use "Find Full Text" to determine if Albright Library has the item in print or online.

Google Scholar

Google Scholar provides a simple way to broadly search for scholarly literature. From one place, you can search across many disciplines and sources: articles, theses, books, abstracts and court opinions, from academic publishers, professional societies, online repositories, universities and other web sites.

Click the Google Scholar “hamburger menu” icon in the top left of the screen.

Click Settings or the gear icon, then Library Links.

In the search box, enter Albright College.

Check the box for Albright College and click Save. When you do a Google Scholar search, the search results will include links to items subscribed to by the library.

This is not 100%. If you find a journal title of interest, enter the title into the journal tab in the Lion OneSearch box to see if the fulltext might be available.

If you cannot find it in the Albright Library, try interlibrary loan. Don't pay for anything!!!!