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Summer Start 2015: Boolean Searching 101



Keywords are words or phrases that best describe the information you want. They are the most essential parts of the question!

Keywords are used in searching both the online databases at Albright COllege Library and on the web.

Keywords are the most basic words that define your topic.

Don't type normal sentences into a database search box --  JUST use the keywords.


Research Topic: What are the causes of diabetes in children?

Keywords for Online Search: diabetes AND children AND causes

Magic Formula for Searching Article Databases

Keywords + Connectors = Search

To get the best results in an article database, you need to enter two things into a search screen: keywords - which are described in the keywords box on the left side of this page - and Boolean operators, or connectors, between each keyword.

Boolean connectors are words like AND, OR, and NOT.

The Right Number of Key Words

Keyword Tutorial

Keyword searching - review this tutorial video to better understand how to select keywords, use truncation and Boolean logic.