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FYS100K - Perfect Children-Reproductive Technology and the New Eugenics (Heller): Citation Guides

Support for First Year Seminar research

Citation Guides

Both the Modern Language Assocaition (MLA) and the The American Psychlogical Association (APA) has specific guidelines for the formatting, layout and citation of resources in academic papers. The following links provide ample citation guidance. For more Information please see a reference librarian regarding the Publication manual of the American Psychological Association: the official guide to APA style, 7th Edition and the The MLA Handbook, 8th Edition.

APA Style Guides

  • APA at the Purdue OWL -- One of the most comprehensive and frequently updated online resource for APA Style.

MLA Style Guides

  • MLA at the Purdue OWL -- One of the most comprehensive and frequently updated online resource for MLA Style.

ACS Style Guide

  • ACS Style Guide: Effective Communication of Scientific Information  is an established and definitive source within and beyond the chemistry community, educating researchers on how to effectively communicate scientific information. Online access to the ACS Style Guide is an exclusive benefit to institutions that subscribe to the ACS publication package, which Albright does. You will be asked to log in with your LionLink account if you wish to use this resources off-campus.

ASA Style Guide

  • ASA Style at the Purdue Owl -- One of the most comprehensive and frequently updated online resource for style of the American Sociological Association.

Chicago Style Guides

General Writing Resources

  • Writing Style and Structure Guide -- This comprehensive guide covers academic essay preparation, structure, grammar and a a host of additional resources for the academic writer collated from online education resources.