The Internet i just a world passing around notes in a classroom.
~ Jon Stewart
Online References
The complete CPA reference Copyright 2013 by Wiley
The vest pocket guide to IFRS Covers International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS; copyright 2010 by Wiley..
Wiley GAAP 2012 : Interpretation and application of generally accepted accounting principles copyright 2011 by Wiley
Wiley Practitioner's Guide to GAAS 2015 : Covering All SASs, SSAEs, SSARSs, and Interpretations
Key journals:
Accounting, Organizations, & Society
Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory
Journal of Accounting Research
Journal of Accounting and Economics
Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking
Web Sites Get access to millions of research papers and stay informed with the important topics around the world.
arXiv is a curated research-sharing platform open to anyone
CORE The world’s largest collection of open access research papers.
Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) hosts a community-curated list of open access journals, maintained by Infrastructure Services for Open Access (IS4OA).
Google Scholar a simple way to broadly search for scholarly literature.
Open Access Button provides free access to papers legally by scouring the web and emailing authors.
Open Library Millions of books available through controlled digital lending.
Research Gate A European commercial social networking site for scientists and researchers to share papers, ask and answer questions, and find collaborators... Articles are free to read by visitors.
Social Science Research Network (SSRN) provides 1,513,687 preprints and research papers from 1,995,887 researchers in over 65 disciplines.