Use CataLION (Albright's online catalog) to identify books and videos on your topic. The catalog includes records for both print and electronic books. Try searching women latin america or women with a specific country like women mexico. Consider adding other words to the search to narrow the focus, e.g., economic conditions or history or political activity. If you are looking for books about a particular person, search her name as SUBJECT.. For print books, if you are NOT taking a class on the Reading campus, fill out an interlibrary loan form. For ebooks, click on the link and use your network username and password to login when prompted.
Another source for locating books is a database called WorldCat. This is a catalog for thousands of libraries. Use this if you cannot find enough books at Albright.
Library staff will do everything possible to get your materials to you in a timely fashion. Click the Getting Your Materials tab above for intructions.