Library Subscriptions
MLA International Bibliography -- An index of scholarly books and articles on the literature of all languages, film studies, folklore, book history, theatre, etc.
Literature Criticism Online -- Includes full-text articles from scholarly journals and literary magazines. Also provides critical essays, work and topic overviews, full-text works, biographies, and more to provide a wealth of information on authors, their works, and literary movements.
Gale Literary Index -- the master index to literature products published by Gale which leads to more sources for reviews and criticism.
Project Muse - provides performance reviews from scholarly journals
Nexis Uni - - full-text newspaper articles including reviews and criticism of plays
ProQuest Newstand -- news sources from around the world
New York Times Theater Reviews
Aisle Say -- The Internet Magazine of Stage Reviews and Opinion
CurtainUp -- The Internet Theater Magazine of Reviews, Features and Annotated Listings
Hot Review -- an online journal from Hunter College, reviews from theater critics and talented students
New York Theatre Wire -- a guide to what's playing on New York's stages. Including reviews
The Off Off-Broadway Review -- includes reviews and current listings