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FYS100 - Japanese Culture 2019: Books and eBooks

Other Resources

pile of books

World Cat connects you to the collections and services of more than 10,000 libraries worldwide.  (This site is the public version of our subscription database.)

Google Books is a database listing many books.  A few are full-text and some provide a preview.  It may let you find useful books you can interlibrary loan--interlibrary loan is usually not required for first year courses.

Searching for Books and eBooks

Clicking "Search" in the LION One Search "Books/Ebooks" tab opens the cataLION interface.  You can search by

  • Keyword 
  • Title
  • Author
  • Subject
  • ISBN
  • Series
  • Call Number

Advanced search adds more search options including Boolean searching.


eBooks available through library subscriptions include a "click to view" link.  Access and printing may vary depending on the licenceing agreement.

Books from the Internet Archive or Open Library may require a free account which you can create.  If a book is already "loaned" to another user, you may add your information to a list to be informed when the book is available.


Physical books in the library collection have a call number at the end of the "Availability" line.  The number in parentheses indicates the number of copies available for loan.  Books with call numbers from 000 to 799 are on the second floor.  Books with call numbers from 800 to 999 are on the third floor.  Books too large for regular shelves have a call number that begins with "Folio" and are housed on the main floor of the library.

The library uses the Dewey Decimal System to shelve books.  The table below shows the order of books on a shelf.  The number after the letter is treated like a decimal.













If you have any questions about locating an item or can't find it on the shelves, please ask for assistance at the Circulation or Reference desk.