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FaculTea: Dr. Lennie Amores

About Facul-TEAs:

A FaculTEA is a chance for faculty, especially those coming out of sabbatical, to make their research accessible to students.

Dr. Lennie Amores

Albright College Library presents:

A Facul-TEA Thursday, February 8th 2018.

Lennie Amores, Ph.D.: “Spanish 101 for the Liberal Arts: The Making of an Open-Source Textbook”

4:00 p.m.
Library Group Study Room A/B
Refreshments provided

This is an Experience Event!

Dr. Amores will present on the open source Spanish textbook she and Professor Janice Rodriguez are currently drafting.  The textbook project seeks to bridge the liberal arts foundation of Albright college with the practical communication skills and interdisciplinary trans cultural knowledge students gain from learning foreign languages.