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FaculTea: Dr. Irene Langran

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Irene Langran

Organ Trade

Albright College Library presents: A Facul-TEA

Thursday, February 6th 2014

            Dr. Irene Langran: "Globalization and the Global Trade in Organs"

   The World Health Organization (WHO) reports that approximately five to ten percent of kidney transplants are obtained through organ trafficking, a process in which a patient receives an organ outside his or her country of origin. The global trade in organs is poorly documented, yet it reflects familiar patterns in a globalized world: recipients tend to come from high-income countries to receive organs in lower-income countries that often encourage these services, with multiple facilitators reaping large financial rewards along the way. The industry is poorly regulated, and concerns over a lack of consent among donors; care before, during, and after the procedures for recipients and donors; medical ethics; and health equity are increasingly infusing the debate on this issue. This paper analyzes the global trade in organs by considering the role of various actors, domestic legislation, international rules, and medical ethics. The paper begins by outlining related medical and technological innovations, describing national-level policy innovations to facilitate domestic transplants, and identifying the ethical questions raised by transplant tourism. It applies several models of global health governance to this topic, including global citizenship, human rights, and feminism.

4:30 p.m.
Library Group Study Room A/B
Refreshments provided

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