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FaculTea: Dr. Lisa Wilder

About Facul-TEAs:

A FaculTEA is a chance for faculty, especially those coming out of sabbatical, to make their research accessible to students.

Dr. Lisa Wilder


Albright College Library presents: A Facul-TEA

 Thursday, April 26th 2018 

Lisa Wilder, Ph.D.: “Connecting Community and Economic Conditions in Reading, Pa”

4:00 p.m.
Library Group Study Room A/B
Refreshments provided

This is an Experience Event!

When do we feel like we belong?  How much does it vary based on our economic conditions, the composition of our family or our similarity to our neighbors?  In 2017, Dr. Wilder conducted a survey of residents of the City of Reading to answer some of these questions and to compare the results to a similar survey conducted earlier.  Using the results of an individual level household survey and current economic conditions at a neighborhood level, Dr. Wilder explores the sense of ownership and belonging in the City of Reading.   In addition, the survey helps to identify the factors that influence satisfaction as well as the greatest challenges.